Payment Documentation Requirements

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Introduction | Required Documents | Summary | Resources | Activities | Assessment

Unit 4.7-Payment Documentation Requirements

An international manager must be able to identify major documents utilized in international trade. It is also necessary to know when and how these documents may be applied, who is responsible for creating the documents, and who uses the documents.

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The goal of this material is to introduce you to the documentation required to facilitate international business transactions and the way each relates to receipt of timely payment of the sale of goods and/or services in an international transaction.

By the end of this unit you will be able to

  • identify the major documents utilized in international trade (commercial invoices, transport documents, etc.).
  • identify how and when they are used.
  • identify which party of the transaction is responsible for creating each document.

Unit Outline


File:Unit 4.7 Outline Presentation Slides.odp
File:International Document Listing.odt

Correlation: Materials from this unit correlate with NASBITE CGCP's Knowledge Statement 04/04/07: Knowledge of documentation requirements (e.g., commercial invoices, transport documents and documents relating to services, inspection certificate)