DECP 05: e-Content Creation
Authentication and Quality Assurance of the e-Content
One of the important systems of communication of knowledge, in recent times, has been through web casting over internet. Anyone is able to access on the website whatever is hosted by the information/knowledge providers. However, it is very difficult to ascertain the authenticity and correctness of information. It the case of the print medium there is a system of review by the peer group and publication of the same in journals and newspapers. But in the case of website, no such system seems to have been evolved so far. The issue assumes greater significance when one is web casting educational material. The corrections, authenticity and the quality of the material have to be necessarily assured so as to provide authentic knowledge, information to students, teachers, and general readers.
Even movies are reviewed before it's released, in similar way an online education material must be evaluated before posting on the web. The educational effectiveness standards models while taking care the principles of instructional design and digital library data tagging is focusing the quality of content through the system authenticity and correctness of information and on the expected learning outcome.
These parameters related to following six criteria reference related to quality assurance and authentication of e-Content:
- Ability to process the information and to report.
- Ability to critically evaluate the information and make comments.
- Ability to solve the problem
- Ability to apply the knowledge to real life situation
- Ability to relate the subject/problem in large and global content so as to see full the implications of the issue
- Ability to develop a world view which helps the development of mankind