National Symposium on Open Education

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For more information about this event, please contact Wayne Mackintosh or Jeanette Corson

About the Symposium

OER is a sustainable and renewable resource

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Otago Polytechnic in collaboration with the Commonwealth of Learning Chair in OER and the OER Foundation will convene a national symposium on Open Education.

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On Friday 22 June 2012, the UNESCO World Open Educational Resources (OER) Congress released the 2012 Paris OER Declaration which calls on Governments to openly license publicly funded educational materials. The New Zealand National Symposium on OER will bring together educational leaders and policy makers to consider the strategic opportunities for OER in New Zealand and to explore policy enablers and practices for harnessing the potential of open education approaches for the benefit of the formal education sector in New Zealand. The symposium will commence work on “proposals for action” as the first step towards planning the way forward for a sector-wide response to open education in New Zealand

Where: WelTec’s Wellington CBD Campus, 11 – 17 Church Street (off Boulcott Street). See Google Map.
Room: W613 C/D
When: 8 November 2012
Time: Registration: 9.30am

Programme: 10am - 3.30pm

Who: Educational leaders from the formal sector, policy makers, international governmental organisations and open education agencies.
Tag: NZOpenEd

Facilitators and presenters

Flag of Australia.svg Australia
Flag of Canada.svg Canada
Flag of New Zealand.svg New Zealand
AkanwarPres.jpg Asha Kanwar is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Commonwealth of Learning and is a world leading advocate for learning for development. Former Pro-Vice Chancellor of IGNOU, Professor Kanwar's career includes over 30 years of experience in teaching, research and administration in open distance learning and work with international governmental agencies including both UNESCO's Regional Office for Education in Africa (BREDA) in Dakar, Senegal and the Commonwealth of Learning in Vancouver since 2003.
Phil Ker signing.jpg Phil Ker is Chief Executive of Otago Polytechnic, in Dunedin, New Zealand. Phil has had a diverse set of experiences and has developed a broad portfolio of expertise as both an academic and an administrator in both university and polytechnic environments. He has particular interest in business education, education for sustainability, open education, staff development generally and leadership development specifically; and in the recognition of prior experiential learning. Read more ...
Wayne Mackintosh Yale 2010.jpg Wayne Mackintosh is the founding director of the OER Foundation and holds the Commonwealth of Learning Chair in OER at Otago Polytechnic. He is coordinating the establishment of the OER university, an international innovation partnership of accredited universities, colleges and polytechnics which aims to provide free learning opportunities for all students worldwide using OER courses with pathways for these learners to achieve credible credentials.
M.osborne.JPG Mark Osborne, is Deputy Principal of New Zealand's first open source high school. A free-software advocate, Mark is a champion of the use of Wikieducator in schools within New Zealand, and guided Albany Senior High School through the process of adopting a Creative Commons policy that makes available all teaching and learning resources under free cultural works licences. ASHS has as one of its core values 'transparency, openness, honesty and trust', and free culture helps give life to this value. Read more ...

David Porter is Executive Director of BCcampus in British Columbia. David arrived at BCcampus in 2003, with a mandate to create a web-based suite of services that British Columbia’s 25 public post-secondary institutions could use to enhance their online learning capabilities. BCcampus is a leader in open education and has designed and implemented a government funded an Open Educational Resource sector-wide initiative. BCcampus supports the post-secondary sector in British Columbia to connect, collaborate and innovate. Read more ...

Jim Taylor USQ.jpeg Jim Taylor, AM. is Emeritus Professor and former Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Learning Services) at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. Jim is one of the thought leaders behind the OER Tertiary Education Network who are implementing the OER university initiative and serves on the Board of Directors of the OER Foundation. Jim is a pioneer integrating the "Pedagogy of Discovery" using OER for the university curriculum integrating appropriate learning and digital literacy skills for the 21st century. Read more ...


About Open Education

What is Open Education?

Open Education is an umbrella concept which incorporates emerging international practices in the formal education sector associated with Open Educational Resources, OpenCourseWare, Open Content, Open Educational Practices, Open Access, Open Licensing, Open Policy, Open Source, and Open Business Models.

What are Open Educational Resources (OER)?

Open Educational Resources (OER) are materials used to support education that may be freely accessed, reused, modified and shared by anyone (Downes 2011[1].) Read more ...

What are Open Educational Practices (OEP)?

Open Educational Practices (OEP) are policies and practices which support and promote the creation, use and reuse of high quality OER.

What is Open Access?

Open access is a global movement which aims to provide unrestricted access to scholarly research outputs including peer-reviewed journals, theses, scholarly monographs and book chapters (Suber, P. 2004[2].)

What is open licensing?

Open licensing refers to the suite of the legal tools used to grant open permissions to reuse, revise, remix and redistribute OER with Creative Commons licenses being the preferred international licensing standard. Read more ...

What is open policy?

Open policy promotes unrestricted access and open licensing of resources financed through public and philanthropic funding in order to maximize the impact of the investment. Read more ...

What is the OER Foundation?

OER Foundation logo-small.png
Headquartered in Dunedin, the OER Foundation is an independent non-profit organisation which provides leadership, international networking and support for education institutions to achieve their strategic objectives using open education approaches.
  1. Jump up Downes, S. 2011. Educational Resources: A Definition.
  2. Jump up Suber, P. 2004. Open Access Overview (definition, introduction).

Event sponsors

Otago Polytechnic OER Foundation WelTec