Orokonui Ecosanctuary/Plants
From WikiEducator
- 1 Kā Rākau - Forest
- 1.1.1 Pāhautea/Kaikawaka - New Zealand cedar
- 1.1.2 Makomako - Wineberry
- 1.1.3 Putaputawētā - Marbleleaf
- 1.1.4 Hūpiro - Stinkwood
- 1.1.5 Mikimiki - Yellow Wood
- 1.1.6 Kōtukutuku - Tree fuchsia
- 1.1.7 Kapuka - Broadleaf
- 1.1.8 Koromiko - Hebe salicifolia
- 1.1.9 Kanuka - Kunzea ericoides
- 1.1.10 Mahoe - Whiteywood
- 1.1.11 Horopito - Pepper Tree
- 1.1.12 Harakeke - Flax
- 1.1.13 Totara - Hall's
- 1.2 Harakeke - Flax
- 1.3 Houi/Lacebark
- 1.4 Mānuka/Kanuka- Teatree
- 1.5 Aruhe - Pikopiko
Kā Rākau - Forest
- Orokonui's annual rainfall of some 800-1200 is barely wet enough to support indigenous forest but is supplemented by sea fogs that help maintain sufficient humidity and soil moisture
- No distinct tiers of vegetation (canopy, understorey and ground layer) instead comprising of a vertical continuum of ferns, seedlings, saplings, shrubs, vines and trees
- Uppermost more or less continuous surface formed by the canopies of broadleaved tree species
- The most characteristic species of cloud forest tree is Pāhautea
- Uppermost more or less continuous surface formed by the canopies of broadleaved tree species
- No distinct tiers of vegetation (canopy, understorey and ground layer) instead comprising of a vertical continuum of ferns, seedlings, saplings, shrubs, vines and trees
Pāhautea/Kaikawaka - New Zealand cedar
- New Zealand has only three true coniferous tree species, kauri and two members of the cedar family
- Pāhautea, also known as kaikawaka, is found in montane and subalpine forests in both main islands, and descends towards the lowlands in the far south
- Common on Dunedin's hills, distinctive conical crown rises above the broadleaved tree canopy
- Orokonui has at least two mature pāhautea - near the Rimu Track
- Mihiwaka carries quite large populations of the species
- Pāhautea is high on planting list to ensure that this defining tree of cloud forest continues to thrive in a protected habitat
- Mihiwaka carries quite large populations of the species
Makomako - Wineberry
- Dioecious – need female plants
- Warmed leaves used as poultice for rheumatism and burns, boils
- Eaten raw by Maori and made into jam and wine by Europeans.
- Usually die out after 10-15 years
- Tui and Tauhau eat fruit, kereru eat fruit and leaves
- Pūkaikai bird spears - made in sections
- Ipu basins
- Burnt and soot collected for use as tattooing ink
Putaputawētā - Marbleleaf
- Full of weta holes - wētā grubs tunnel it extensively
- Mottled leaves on zigzagging branches
- Distinct juvenile phase with small leaves
Hūpiro - Stinkwood
- Dioecious. - pollinated by wind
- Leaves crushed smell bad!
- Roasted seed is coffee substitute
Mikimiki - Yellow Wood
- Grey interlacing branches, dark green leaves on top, pale underneath, quite thick
- Translucent berries initially pale but turn translucent blue.
- Good food for lizards, insects
- Some coprosmas have red berries that attract birds but the blue are strictly for lizards and hang underneath the branch
Kōtukutuku - Tree fuchsia
- Deciduous
- Largest fuchsia in world
- Flowers start green then turn burgundy red when nectar finished
- Pollen is bright blue only on hermaphrodite trees
- Female trees can only be pollinated by birds
- Example of mutualism, birds need nectar, trees need pollination
- Used as lipstick by Maori
- Berry named kōnini; it was also eaten by European settlers in jams and puddings
- Dye used as ink
Kapuka - Broadleaf
- Kapuka (as in Kapuka-tau-mahaka/ Mt Cargill)
- Timber dense used for fenceposts (can be seen on the track by the big pokaka), house piles and boat building
- Bitter berries, loved by birds
- Inner bark used for TB and STDs
- Life span of at least 100 years
Koromiko - Hebe salicifolia
- Large bushy evergreen shrub with spear shaped leaves with white or pale lilac flower spikes
- Vapour and poultice for headaches, diarrhoea, kidney infections and bladder disorders
Kanuka - Kunzea ericoides
- Up to 15m high
- Leaves small pointed aromatic
- Flowers small white.
- Successional species. Forms dense scrub then will diversify to a mixed forest.
- Provide habitat for a wide variety of other plants and animals such as orchids.
Mahoe - Whiteywood
- Grows to 10m.
- White splotchy bark. Violet blue berry eaten by many birds.
- Dioecious
- Insect pollinated.
- Used to create fire by friction.
- Kaka love to chisel off the bark to get at the sap
Horopito - Pepper Tree
- Pseudowintera colorata
- Chewed for toothache
- Cafe dries and uses leaves for seasoning
- One of the earliest flowering trees to evolve and is endemic at the genus level
Harakeke - Flax
- Phormium tenax
- Used for burns, cuts, constipation, splints
- Gum from base of the leaves for cuts and sores.
- Roots scraped, cleaned, boiled and consumed for constipation
- Clothing, shelter, hunting
- Baskets and ropes
Totara - Hall's
- Podocarpus hallii
- Can live up to 600 years
- Maori used for shelters
- Most common totara here with a couple of Podocarpus totara lower in the valley
Harakeke - Flax
- Bark - mats/kākahu, baskets/kete, poi balls, belts/tātua and piupiu
- Wood - fishing rod
- Kiekie
- Kowhai
- Kuta
- Maire
Mānuka/Kanuka- Teatree
- Neinei
- Patiti
- Pikao
- Pirita
- Poroporo
- Rata
- Raupo
- Rimu
- Taramea
- Tarata
- Ti Kouka
- Tikumu
- Toatoa
- Toetoe
- Toi
- Totara
- Tutu
- Wiwi
Aruhe - Pikopiko
- Māori used the rhizomes of P. esculentum (aruhe) as a staple food, especially for exploring or hunting groups away from permanent settlements
- Widespread distribution consequence of prehistoric deforestation and subsequent tending of aruhe stands on rich soils
- Rhizomes were air-dried so that they could be stored and became lighter; for consumption,
- Briefly heated and then softened with a patu aruhe (rhizome pounder)
- The starch could then be sucked from the fibres by each diner, or collected if it were to be prepared for a larger feast.
- Briefly heated and then softened with a patu aruhe (rhizome pounder)
- Patu aruhe were significant items and several distinct styles were developed.