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'Culture is how biology responds and makes living conditions better' C. J. Cherryh


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Evolution results in diverse adaptations that ensure survival. This diversity allows organism to occupy different niches within an ecosystem.

Species arise, change, and become extinct over time

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Essential Questions

How do organisms survive extreme environments?

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  • Characteristics are coded for by genes, which are sections of DNA with a specific base sequence.
  • A species is defined as a group of organisms capable of successfully interbreeding and producing viable offspring.
  • Genes are inherited from parents.


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Evolution results in diverse adaptations that ensure survival. This diversity allows organism to occupy different niches within an ecosystem.

The genome and gene expression

Niche differentiation

Adaptions for diving


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This diversity allows organisms to occupy different niches within an ecosystem.

Speciation is...

NZ species evolution


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Extinction events are part as the species lifecycle .

Mass extinction events

The Cambrian explosion