“ | Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former- Albert Einstein | ” |
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This year
Why did you pick Biology this year? Perhaps you want to be a Doctor when you 'grow up'. Maybe because you enjoyed Science last year. Possibly because your parents told you that you had to!
Its up to you to make the best of your time in Biology, and you will get out what you put it.
This course integrates ideas and important Biology concepts to give you specific details and big ideas.
The course
The big overall picture for the course is 'Living in Extreme Environments'. First we will examine where different groups of organisms live, and the relationship between them and their environment. How organisms evolve to fill niches and live in such extreme environments. Then we will examine adaptations they may have that allow them to survive and carry out life functions, and finally why genetic diversity is essential.
Each unit of work has one internally assessed Achievement Standard associated, but also other internal and external optional standards. It is suggested that near the end of the year you discuss with your teacher is it may be a good idea to work towards extra standards.
- Biological Investigation:
- AS91153 - Carry out a practical investigation in a biology context, with guidance. Internal, 4 credits.
- AS91158 - Investigate a pattern in an ecological community, with supervision. Internal, 4 credits.
- Survival:
- AS91190 - Investigate how organisms survive in an extreme environment. Internal, 4 credits.
- Adaptations
- AS91155 - Demonstrate understanding of adaptation of plants or animals to their way of life. Internal, 4 credits.
- Evolution
- AS91154 - Analyse the biological validity of information presented to the public. Internal, 4 credits.
- AS91157 - Demonstrate understanding of genetic variation and change. External, 4 credits. Merit / excellence endorsement students only.
Stuff to use.... Resources
Finding information
- The library has many fantastic real and digital resources.
- E-Textbook (See your teacher for access via Dropbox)
- Edmodo - see your teacher for class keys
- Studyit
- Khan Academy
- The Biology Project
- BBC Bitesize
- BBC Higher biology
- Cells alive
- U-Learn
- National Geographic
- Science NZ
- Popular Science
- Nature Magazine
- Notability - great for taking notes, integrating images etc
- iCell - interactive cell models with descriptions of organelle function
- BIOZONE - resources and textbooks for level two biology
- Evolutionary Biology
- Edmodo
- Nature Reader - articles from Nature magazine
- Gene Screen
- The human genome at ten (Nature)
Presenting information
- Glogster: Interactive online poster
- create an online mural to collate ideas
- video sharing: Vimeo
- Wikieducator page
- Comic creator
- Popplet: cool mindmaping
- HEAPS of different free 2.0 tools listed here and here
- Make your own podcast
- Make a tag cloud
Facebook pages
- Evolution
- The Great New Zealand Science Project
- Science Is Awesome
- Auckland Zoo
- Animal Planet
Have you found any other cool websites or other resources? How about editing this page to add them in?
Have you found any other cool websites or other resources? How about editing this page to add them in?