E-learning activity - CARS Checklist

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e-Learning activity summary

Title: Applying the CARS Checklist for online source evaluation
2 hours

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The purpose of this activity is to:
  • To gain an overview of the topics covered in this course and to reflect on areas of personal interest in open education
  • Explore how to evaluate online sources using the CARs checklist
  • Share your findings of the experience.

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  1. Sip and dip through the topics covered in this course listed in the Course schedule
  2. Identify a topic of particular interest to you at this stage of your learning journey.
  3. Conduct a web search and identify one exemplary resource, for the topic you selected above, which would rank highly on the CARs checklist
  4. Using the CARs checlist, provide justifications why the resource would achieve a high ranking.
  5. During your web search, identify one resource, for the topic you selected above, which would not achieve a satisfactory evaluation using the CARs checklist.
  6. Document and report your findings (see below).

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Learning outcome actions

Publish a short blog post of approximately 400 words covering the following aspects (remember to inlcude the "OERuOEP" tag, category or label in your post):
  • Brief description of the open education topic you have selected and why you chose this (about 50 words.)
  • Provide a link to the exemplary resource you have selected justifying why this as achieved a high ranking using the CARS criteria of credibility, accuracy, reasonableness and support (about 175 words).
  • Provide a link to a resource you found which does not rank highly using the CARS criteria of credibility, accuracy, reasonableness and support (about 175 words).
  • Include a sentence reflecting on your experience of this activity.
  • Visit the aggregated feed for OERuOEP and read at least 3 posts from fellow learners, and comment on their blog posts.