Oil Free Aotearoa/Teaching and learning plans

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Te Taniwha, Kaitiaki o Okahau

Teaching Plan



Students will:

  • Learn about deep sea oil drilling off the coast of NZ
  • Understand the possible consequences of deep sea oil drilling on
    1. People and environment
    2. Climate change
    3. New Zealander's right to protest
  • Plan for a future based on clean energy
  • Be able to express an informed opinion based on their learning

NZ Curriculum Objectives:

Little Blue Penguin

Social Science - Level 3

  • Understand how groups make and implement rules and laws
    • Oil Free Otago, DCC, Chamber of Commerce, parliament re deep sea oil drilling
  • Understand how people view and use places differently
    • Tangata whenua, locals, visitors, council, government and corporations
      • Context of using our coastline
  • Understand how people make decisions about access to and use of resources
    • Tangata whenua, locals, visitors, council, government and corporations

Science - Level 3 Nature of Science - Participating and contributing

  • Students to use their growing science knowledge when considering issues of concern to them.
    • Explore various aspects of an issue and make decisions about possible actions.
  • Ecology - explain how living things are suited to their particular habitat and how they respond to environmental changes, both natural and human-induced.


View and respond

  • Prime Minister John Key talking about mineral exploration
    • Discuss what this means for NZ, Dunedin and for ourselves
  • Oil Free Otago - local perspective
  • Stopping at the end of each speaker to recap themes
  • Discuss where oil comes from and what it is needed for - historic/future
  • Types of oils - vegetable etc
  • Determine what individuals believe the aim of "Oil Free Otago" is
    • Brainstorm and partner activities - public transport, bicycles
    • Mix and mash simple but modern technology - electric bikes, dog drawn buggies
  • An eyewitness to the Gulf of Mexico disaster
  • Discuss content during viewing
  • Create a word bank in response to images and commentary
  • Select a word from list to write as a heading that captures the essence of the video

Identifying local flora and fauna

  • Linking students to their immediate surroundings
    • Take students on a bird spotting expedition
  • Create a local bird spotting guide
    • Aimed at children from 2+
    • Images are Creative Commons licenced then digitally altered via Gimp
  • Blueskin Bay Birds
  • NZ Science Hub Flight of the Godwit
    • What does the Godwit eat?
  • National Geographic - Ocean Acidification
    • How could ocean acidification effect the Godwit's food supply and its ability to migrate?

Environmental Action

  • Beach clean-up to allow for familiarisation of the coastal environment
  • Collecting rubbish and then sorting into categories:
  1. Washed up etc
  2. Plastic etc
  3. Potential hazard to animals, environment
  • Use of beach by ancestors - kai moana, seaweed storage bags, recreational etc
  • Viewing and discussing habitats of birds - dead and alive
  • Discuss range and food supply
  • Migration v permanent residents
  • Reasons for finding dead bird/s


Social Activism


  1. Parihaka - past and present
  2. Te Whiti o Rongomai and Tohu Kakahi and their nonviolent resistance
  • Women suffragettes
  1. Why did these protesters try to stop rugby games?
  2. Many of the protesters were arrested, were they criminals?
  1. Who blew up the Rainbow Warrior?
  2. Why was the Rainbow Warrior blown up
Compared with
  • Get Free - NZers speaking out about climate action
    • Why are these people putting their reputation "on the line"?
  • What have these people achieved for NZers?
  1. Martin Luther king
  2. Nelson Mandela
  3. Gay rights activists
  4. Animal rights campaigners

Kaikoura Class Rap - No drill no spill

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