OLPC Oceania/Training/Lesson Plans/Introduction to Activities
This is a lesson plan for facilitators of OLPC Oceania trials and roll-outs in the Pacific Islands region, associated with OLPC Australia and OLPC New Zealand. For more information on OLPC Oceania click here. For the full list of lesson plans, click here
This training programme is based on the schedule used in PNG as part of the “8-country trials”. It constitutes the minimum teacher training input recommended. It would be preferable to increase the time allocated to this training substantially. We recommend that even in deployments where only one class is receiving laptops, all the teachers in the school should be trained. (In fact, they will probably demand to be trained!!). In addition, if any education officials are present, they can also be trained at the same time. Feedback: At Drekikir in PNG, the Head Teacher invited his counterparts from two nearby primary schools and the District Education Advisor and District Standards Officer.
[hide]OLPC Oceania Teacher Training: Lesson 3: Introduction to Activities
This training is designed to give the teachers enough knowledge of the XO to allow them to help each other and sustain self-learning.
After this lesson, participants will:
The following user guides are available:
Feedback: The Getting Started guide is preloaded on the XO; Start the browser and find it in the library Handouts
The training will involve the following techniques:
- Demonstration
- Learning by doing
- Feedback and reinforcement
Working with large classes/groups
This lesson requires a more student focused approach. The facilitator can explain what the demonstration will be, then each co-facilitator can demonstrate to smaller groups.
Lesson Plan
The lesson will be mainly a series of demonstrations, "learning by doing" and feedback. We start with a recap of experiences so far. This lesson follows OLPC_Oceania#Teacher_Training lesson 2
Reflecting on what we have learned so far
Introduction to the more accessible activities
For each activity below, the facilitator (or facilitators, if divided into groups) can demonstrate 2-3 activities them allow time for trainees to experiment themselves. It is recommended to start in the order below.
Initially trainees start the activities on their own:
- Typing and speaking back
- Changing to another dialect (point out that local languages could be set up)
- Increase the volume control
- Change instruments
- Start and change drums
- Taking photos and naming them
- Point out the video and audio
- Changing to/from full screen
- Saving and retrieving photos in the Journal (this introduces the Journal)
- Writing text and changing font size and colour
- Inserting a photo from the Journal
- Inserting a table
- Saving and retrieving a file
- Reading a Word document (insert a flash drive with a suitable file)
Demonstrate (this is a suggestion, use your own creativity!!)
- Select paint brush and draw some black lines, make a closed shape
- Select bucket tool
- Change colour to bright red
- Use bucket tool to fill
- Select a star shape and create a star
- Change colour again, select bucket tool and fill the star bright yellow
- Insert an image from the Journal
Spend some time showing how the colour selection tool works, including the colour dropper tool
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Now introduce and demonstrate sharing:
The following allow an easy entry point into sharing activities. If possible show how to make friends with a small group, and then invite from the Friends' View.
- Start and share with My Neighbourhood
- Reload game
- Load different game (Sounds)
- Start and do sum sums
- Point out that they should use the cursor rather than the keyboard
- Change to scientific calculations
- Now share
- Sharing using the photo mode in Record
- For fun, have one teacher outside with another facilitator, get them to share photos so that it is obvious
Demonstrate Chat with two laptops
This was a long session and the trainees will need time to absorb what they have learned, and try things out at their own pace.