OLPC Oceania/Training/Lesson Plans/Introducing the XO
This is a lesson plan for facilitators of OLPC Oceania trials and roll-outs in the Pacific Islands region, associated with OLPC Australia and OLPC New Zealand. For more information on OLPC Oceania click here. For the full list of lesson plans, click here
This training programme is based on the schedule used in PNG as part of the “8-country trials”. It constitutes the minimum teacher training input recommended. It would be preferable to increase the time allocated to this training substantially. We recommend that even in deployments where only one class is receiving laptops, all the teachers in the school should be trained. (In fact, they will probably demand to be trained!!). In addition, if any education officials are present, they can also be trained at the same time. Feedback: At Drekikir in PNG, the Head Teacher invited his counterparts from two nearby primary schools and the District Education Advisor and District Standards Officer.
[hide]OLPC Oceania Teacher Training: Lesson 2: Introducing the XO
After this lesson, participants will understand:
The following user guides are available:
Feedback: The Getting Started guide is preloaded on the XO; Start the browser and find it in the library Handouts
The training will involve the following techniques:
- Demonstration
- Learning by doing
- Feedback and reinforcement
Working with large classes/groups
Large groups should be split into smaller ones for the demonstrations. In such cases, the facilitator can explain what the demonstration will be, then each co-facilitator can demonstrate to smaller groups.
Lesson Plan
1. Understand the basics and physical features 2. Learn about the 4 screens |
Basics and Physical features
- Give each trainee gets a laptop in it's box
- Ask trainees to open the box, take the laptop out and insert battery if needed. Put all packing and charger back into the box.
- Ask Trainees to try and open the laptops themselves. This can be fun.
- Gives feedback and demonstrate the following, with trainees following instructions
- Inserting/removing battery
- Opening and closing laptop
- Opening and closing the ears (Ask what they are....the ears of the laptop)
- Rotating the screen and closing it in e-book mode
- Demonstrate turning the laptop on
- Explain the LED lights (demonstrate with a power adapter if available)
- Show the USB and audio ports
- Show how to use the power adapter
- Discussion: trainees give feedback
- Facilitator summarises
Show them how to force the laptop off with the power button if they really get stuck.
The 4 screens
- Ask everyone to turn on their XOs and ask feedback on what they see.
- Explain that there are 4 "screens" or "views" on the XO. Write them on the board. Hold up an XO and change between views.
- Show them the button on the keyboard to change views
Touch pad
- Hold up an XO and show them the touch pad. Ask if anyone knows what a computer "mouse" is.
- Explain it has two buttons, left and right, which can be "clicked"
- Ask trainees to try moving the arrow cursor about and see what happens
Ask if anyone had problems moving the cursor around. Describe the jumping cursor problem and give them instructions how to fix it:
- Press on all 4 corner buttons of keyboard for a good 10 seconds
- Put chalk dust on the touchpad
- Reboot
Volume and Brightness controls
Explain how to change the volume and brightness. Get them to reduce the brightness then try and view them in the outdoor light.
The Facilitator gathers the trainees around him/her and demonstrates
Making and removing friends
- Tell them to go to Neighbourhood View
- Explain how to make friends
How to start and stop an activity
- Ask everyone to go to the home view
- Explain the icons on the bottom are called activities, for which training will be given in the next lesson
- Ask them to move the cursor arrow to see the names of some activities
- Hold an XO up and demonstrate how to start an activity, describing what happens as it starts up
- Show them how to shut the activity down from the home view
Learn what sharing and inviting means
This session is in preparation for the following lesson. Gather all the trainees around you (or in smaller groups) and demonstrate sharing using one of the activities.
- In order to make things clearer, get them to shut down all the XOs and reboot your two demonstrators
- Have 2 XOs ready before you, visible to the group
- Start up Write activity on one and demonstrate typing some letter and changing fonts
- Change the second XO to Neighbourhood view
- Show them changing from Private to My Neighbourhood from the Activity tab
- Show them the icon appearing on the second XO neighbourhood view
- Start it up from the icon
- Demonstrate that the laptops are now sharing
- Shut down the activities on both
Now demonstrate invite, using the Measure activity
- Start Measure on one XO
- Go to Neighbourhood view and locate the second XO and invite it
- Show the group the icon apperas on the activities bar of the second XO, and start it
- Change each to "Begin Measure". This is a great demo with two laptops undeniably working as a pair
Free session. Trainees try to replicate inviting and sharing. Suggest the Record activity. Feedback: By this stage the group skills will be spread across a range with some advancing quicker than others. This session will allow you to help those who are slower and allow everyone to self evaluate