Task 2

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e-Learning activity summary
Exploring Open Educational Resources on Exercise and Sport Psychology - Context evaluation
Time= 5 hours
This micro-course is designed to take approximately 40 hours to complete. It is divided into two segments of 5 hours each and two segments of 15 hours each. Those who wish to be assessed for course credit will complete one assignment. Assessment will be charged on a cost recovery basis.|-
Tasks Signpost #1:
Task 2
  • View Video Signpost #1 (below) featuring Professor Peter Terry.
  • Add to the information you previously provided on the Discussion Group by describing your interest in sport in more detail. Outline your involvement as player, coach, administrator, official, etc. to provide contextual information about your sport environment.
  • Read about the Six Pillars of Performance, which provides a general theoretical underpinning for this course.
  • Provide an analysis of the psychological challenges inherent in your sport and post it to the Discussion Group.

A free content video streamed from Vimeo
Cc-by new1.svg

University of Southern Queensland.

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