Case study EC&I 831

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Questions we should try answer in this case study

  • In what ways is the pedagogy of this course similar or different to other MOOCs?
  • Was EC&I 831 offered in subsequent years to include the non-credit option, if not why? --Wayne Mackintosh 23:06, 6 July 2011 (UTC)


Provide a brief overview of the course including:

  • intended student audience
  • Duration of the course in terms of student learning hours
  • demographic information eg number of learners etc
  • Whether a credit option was available (if so provide level and details of the course credit.)

Vital statistics

Provide a summary of the main stats including registrations, activity levels and engagement with different tools and technologies, etc.

Pedagogical model and tools

Describe the teaching approach and technology tools used for the course. Included details of the assessment strategy if applicable.


Discuss strengths, weaknesses and lessons learned. Where possible reference relevant student reflections and experiences.

Recommendations for the OERu

Provide recommendations for the design of the pedagogical model.
