Case study CCK

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Questions we should try answer in this case study

  • In what ways is the pedagogy of this course similar or different to other MOOCs?
  • How did the pedagogy and tools evolve with subsequent offerings of the Connectivism courses? --Wayne Mackintosh 23:13, 6 July 2011 (UTC)


Provide a brief overview of the course including:

  • intended student audience
  • Duration of the course in terms of student learning hours
  • demographic information eg number of learners etc
  • Whether a credit option was available (if so provide level and details of the course credit.)


Connectivism and Connective Knowledge 2011 was a twelve week course that explored the concepts of connectivism and connective knowledge. It was held January 17, 2011 - April 11, 2011 and delivered in partnership with the Extended Education and Learning Technologies Centre, University of Manitoba. It was facilitated by Stephen Downes and George Siemens and could be taken for credit as part of a Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education and Certificate in Emerging Technologies for Learning at the University of Manitoba. Student course hours for credit is listed on the Certificate Course page as 36 hours. Through out this "course" participants may use a variety of technologies, for example, blogs, Second Life, RSS Readers, UStream, etc. Course resources will be provided using gRSShopper and online seminars delivered using Elluminate.


Connectivism and Connected Knowledge 2009 (Support Wiki) Delivered in partnership with: Extended Education and Learning Technologies Centre, University of Manitoba

Course Code: 98813- 08-01. For credit in Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education and Certificate in Emerging Technologies for Learning held September 14, 2009 - December 6, 2009

From course wiki Technologies Used: Through out this "course" participants will use a variety of technologies. For example, participants will use blogs, Second Life, Page Flakes, attend UStream sessions, attend Elluminate sessions, participate in discussions in Moodle forums, and so on. Additional technologies will be introduced as is required to attend to concerns or opportunities arising over the next 12 weeks. Facilitated by George Siemens and Stephen Downes.


Connectivism and Connected Knowledge 2008 (support wiki) Delivered in partnership with: Extended Education and Learning Technologies Centre, University of Manitoba

Course Code: 98813- 08-01, For credit in Certificate in Adult and Continuing Education and Certificate in Emerging Technologies for Learning (certificate available January, 2009.) Course was held September 8, 2008 - November 30, 2008

From the course wiki Technologies Used: Through out this "course" participants will use a variety of technologies. For example, participants will use blogs, Second Life, Page Flakes, attend UStream sessions, attend Elluminate sessions, participate in discussions in Moodle forums, and so on. Additional technologies will be introduced as is required to attend to concerns or opportunities arising over the next 12 weeks. Facilitated by George Siemens and Stephen Downes.

Vital statistics

Provide a summary of the main stats including registrations, activity levels and engagement with different tools and technologies, etc.


  1. CCK11 -
  2. CCK09 - Basic statistics on CCK09
  3. CCK08 - Comparison of CCK09 and CCK08 stats

Participant technologies and tools (Social and Collaborative)

Blog Posts

  1. CCK11 - 870 Blog posts aggregated on the CCK11 Course site (Relied on the use of #CCK11 within the blog post and submission of the blog RSS)

Delicious Bookmarks/tags

  1. CCk11 - 712 tagged bookmarks
  2. CCK09 - 851 tagged bookmarks (15 popular)
  3. CCK08 - 1965 tagged bookmarks (25 Popular)


  1. CCK08 - None found
  2. CCK09 - 1 Story
  3. CCK11 - 25 Stories

Diigo Groups

  1. CCk2011 - 46 members, 120 items, 310 visits.
  2. CCK 08 and 09 - 60 members, 180 items, 288 visits.

Facebook Groups

  1. CCk11 - 129 Members
  2. CCK09 - 23 Members, 4 posts
  3. CCK08 - 427 Members


  1. CCK09 - 58 Subscribers
  2. CCK08 - 43 Subscribers

Google Groups

  1. CCK08 - CCK08 Google Group - 333 Members, 252 Messages (extends beyond 2008 course)


  1. CCK09 Ning - Anyone a member that can harvest some stats for this one? Membership numbers etc?


  1. Quora CCK11 - 17 Followers, 11 Interactions


  1. Twapperkeeper Archive for CCK 11 - Created by @hesperidesNZ on Thu Jan 20 2:56:53 GMT 2011. Contains a total of 6201 tweets, 906 Twitterers, 3516 URLs, 80% (4960) of the tweets in this TwapperKeeper archive were made by 11% (106) of the twitterers. The top 10 (1%) twitterers account for 49% (3025) of the tweets. 62% (567) of the twitterers only tweeted once. Infographic at Summarizr Archive viewable at twapperkeeper.


  1. Wikiversity - CCK09 - 1 Contributor
  2. Wikispaces - CCK11 - 6 members
  3. Wikispaces - CCK08 - 1 member (Plus other individual wikis - no noticeable collaborative spaces)

Tools (Other)

Other tools used by participants to share knowledge,connect and reflect:

  • slideshare
  • various mindmapping tools
  • blogs(wordpress, blogger, edublogs etc)
  • linkedin
  • pearltrees Example
  • Flickr
  • Tumblr
  • paperli
  • amplify example
  • Many eyes Example
  • Prezi Example


Pedagogical model and tools

Describe the teaching approach and technology tools used for the course. Included details of the assessment strategy if applicable.


  1. Marking Schedule - CCK08 for credit students Marking Scheme


Aggregation Software

  1. CCK11 gRSShopper - gRSShopper is an application that allows you to define your own community of RSS feeds, aggregates content from those feeds and organizes it, and helps you integrate that content into your own posts, articles and other content. Used in CCK11


  1. Supporting blog for CCK08/CCK09


  1. CCK09 Moodle - Discussion Forums
  2. CCK08 Moodle - Course page and Discussion Forums


  1. CCK09 Wiki - Resources, syllabus
  2. CCK08 Wiki - Resources, syllabus


Discuss strengths, weaknesses and lessons learned. Where possible reference relevant student reflections and experiences.

Recommendations for the OERu

Provide recommendations for the design of the pedagogical model.


Provide links to relevant online resources and any research reports relating to the course.

  1. dall’Acqua, L (2010) CCK11 Survey. A survey conducted regarding individual experience, views and suggestions during CCK11 --Steph 19:43, 3 July 2011 (UTC)
  2. Marking Schedule for CCK08 for credit students Marking Scheme
  3. CCK11 Map of participants Google Map CCK11
  4. CCK08 Map of participants Google Map CCK08
  5. CCK09 Basic statistics charts From personal blogger matangdilis and a comparison from the same blogger. ( where was the data curated from? Unable to ascertain for accuracy)

Icon Reference.png References

OERu/eduMOOC planning group/Case study CCK. (2024). In WikiEducator. Retrieved December 22, 2024, from    (zotero)