Towards more affordable education for all students worldwide
Key points
- The sustainability working group at the second meeting of OERu partners proposed and ambitious goal for rotating responsibility among partners for producing a weekly newsletter. We are aiming to achieve a more realistic target of a monthly newsletter.
- OERu partners are invited to volunteer to take editorial responsibility for producing a newsletter by adding their names to the monthly schedule below.
- The newsletter will take the form of a short blog post which will be featured on the OERu website and distributed via the community lists maintained by the OER Foundation.
- We welcome creative contributions from partners to research and produce interesting posts, for example news highlights from the OERu operations, featured institutions, interviews with key individuals in the network, reports on noteworthy OERu events etc.
Organiser / convener: Volunteer needed to monitor schedule and email reminders for monthly editors.
Schedule of volunteer editors
- March 2014: Wayne Mackintosh, OER Foundation
- April 2014:
- May 2014:
- June 2014:
- July 2014:
- August 2014:
- September 2014:
- October 2014:
- November 2014:
- December 2014:
- January 2015:
- February 2015: