Guiding questions

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Key points
  • The questions below where generated by participants and used to structure the agenda for the meeting.
  • We will review and add missing questions as they arise during discussions.

OERu strategy and planning

  1. What is the OERu logic model and how does it inform planning?
  2. How does open planning work in the OERu international partnership?
  3. What is the strategic plan?
  4. How are the planning activities organised?
  5. How are decisions made in the OERu network?
  6. What meetings inform the planning process and how does this feed into the Australian OERu 2014 meetings?
  7. How can I participate in the planning process?
  8. How will Australia's offerings fit together as an OERu degree pathway or programme of study?
  9. How quickly can we do it because OERu needs to be listing more offerings if it is to look like a viable organisation?
  10. What are Australian partners considering as potential candidates for OERu courses?
  11. Could Australian partners establish a model of credit transfer/course articulation between Australian partners which could be extrapolated for the international partnership?

OERu operations: Design, pedagogy and delivery

  1. How is a typical OERu course structured?
  2. How are OERu courses facilitated?
  3. How do we design for learner support?
  4. What are the delivery options and how do they work (eg self-study versus open online courses)?
  5. What is a mOOC and why is the OERu implementing micro courses as an option?
  6. What is parallel mode delivery in the OERu context?
  7. What summative assessment options can we consider?
  8. What is the OERu Personal Learning Environment (PLE) and why do we use PLEs?
  9. Sustainability: How long do we need to maintain an OERu course?
  10. Sustainability: How often are OERu courses offered?
  11. How do learning literacies for a digital age fit into the OERu design model?
  12. What is the pedagogy of discovery and how does this save time, money and improve the learning experience?

OERu technology

  1. Why does the OERu use a wiki as authoring environment for courses?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the wiki model for course development?
  3. What are the options for repackaging wiki content for alternative delivery systems?
  4. What solutions can we implement for changing the look-and-feel to support local branding of OERu content?
  5. How can we facilitate reuse of OERu course content in the local LMSs of partner institutions?

Missing questions?

Place holder for adding additional questions.

  1. Add question here ..