OERu/Open student support
From WikiEducator
< OERu(Redirected from OER university/Open student support)
Open student support refers to:
Issues, questions and suggestions
- how do we ensure quality student engagement? can volunteers do this?
- seems like this is a lot of work for volunteers, even if it is 'just' facilitating learning
- can volunteers adequately support a potentially very wide range of students - background, culture, educational level, etc, etc
- does this encompass teaching/tutoring support as well as learning support such as using a library, study skills, writing essays?
- can volunteers adequately guide the learning, do summative assessment?
- where will volunteers come from? the institute that will do the qualification conferment?
- much open student support will have to come from peer-learning
- OERs for social media literacy: Activity to develop independent study resources to support learners in acquiring the social media literacy skills needed for success in open learning environments.