Nancy Hoffman
- English teacher at Trinity High School in Western Pennsyvania
- A former Classrooms for the Future coach who spent two years encouraging teachers to include wikis into their plans for collaboration, sharing, and authentic assessment.
- Works with Jennifer Sylves, fellow teacher.
- Presented a workshop to teachers about wikis in the classroom in 2009
- Links to wikis:
- Links to cff_wiki:
- Especially likes:
Wiki workshops offered at Journey to Learn in 2009. Teachers claim wikis are an invaluable teaching tool.
Jennifer Sylves uses Wikis for class projects because:
- the web-based collaboration sites of wikis help students with organization
- wikis create a sense of “individual accountability
- wikis create a sense of interdependence among the students.
Teaching with wikis can draw together students who might not otherwise interact and help lower-achieving students contribute on an even footing with students who excel, said Jennifer Sylves, an English teacher in western Pennsylvania's Trinity High School. “They (wikis) give everyone a meaningful task, so they (wikis) level the playing field.”
Jennifer Sylves finds wikis an invaluable teaching tool. She and a colleague, Nancy Hoffman, who teaches math and computer science, presented a workshop about Wikis to peers from across the region as part of The Consortium for Public Education’s 2009 Journey to Learn. Journey to Learn is a regional in-service day for teachers to share best practices across district lines.
Mathematics & Computer Science Teacher, Trinity High School, Washington, PA 724-225-5380 x6260
- Many teachers in PA use wikis to engage students and provide authentic assessment for learning. However, this means that there is LOTS of information to glean.