| Website: | http://www.dilipbarad.com | Employer: | Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar (Gujarat) |
Occupation: | Lecturer in English | Nationality: | Indian |
Country: | India | | email |
This user contributes using Skype on SkypeID: dilip.barad.
Photo Gallery
AsiaCALL Conference in Thailand
Dilip conducting workshop in International Conf, Thailand
Dilip conducting workshop on Audacity in National Conference, Gujarat, India
About Me
Dilip Barad in Language Lab
Dr.Dilip Barad's Classroom
Dr. Dilip P. Barad holds Ph.D. degree from Saurashtra University and M.A. from Bhavnagar University where he teaches in the Department of English as a senior lecturer.He has recently (in Dec 2008) cleared GSET (Gujarat State Eligibility Test) for the eligibility for lecturership. He has vast experience of teaching communication skills to the students of Business Management and Commerce. He taught Business Correspondence and Communication Skills at NRV Institute of Business Management and JJCET Commerce College (Saurashtra University), Junagadh (Gujarat) for 10 years. He has presented research papers in several international and national seminars/conferences and has also published research papers in journals and magazines. He has done his Ph.D. research on Thomas Hardy and his areas of interest are CALL, Literary Criticism, use of ICT in TELL, Business Correspondence, Communication Skills, English Language and Literature. He has successfully completed C.I.C.(Certificate in Computing) from IGNOU, so he has first hand experience of distance education and have good exposure to SLM and OERs. He has applied for counselling for English course under Ambedkar Open University. and IGNOU courses for B.A., M.A. and other English Language Courses. Being co-ordinator of fully computerized, LAN based language lab (which runs under Ambedkar Open University.), he has good experience of working for Open universities and he is associated with text book & material production for the same courses.
Reviewer of Online Journal
Recently he is appointed as paper reviewer for GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies is published by the School of Language Studies and Linguistics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. The aim of this journal is to open up a venue for language researchers and practitioners in the areas specified below to share their theories, views, research results and classroom practices. The papers in the journal are published electronically on an on-going basis periodically. At the end of every two years, selected papers will be published in a hard copy book form. In view of that, GEMA reserves the copyright of all papers published in its journal.
GEMA is an internationally refereed scholarly online journal. It is listed in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), the Linguist List, and in the Malaysian Abstracting and Indexing System (MyAIS) at the understated addressees respectively.
Other Positions Held
1. Chairman - The Board of Studies (ENGLISH) - Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar, Gujarat (INDIA)
2. Co-Opt Member – The Board of Studies – Saurashtra University, Rajkot and Kutch University, Bhuj. (Gujarat State – INDIA).
3. Task Force Member – Digital English Language Lab (DELL) – The Project of the Commissioner of Higher Education, Govt. of Gujarat State, INDIA.
4. Core Committee Member – Knowledge Management Project for Faculty (KMPF) – The Project of the Commissioner of Higher Education, Govt. of Gujarat State, INDIA.
5. Resource Person – Academic Staff College, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad and Centre of Excellence, ITI, Bhavnagar.
6. Visiting Faculty – M.Phil (English) Programme - KSV, Gandhinagar.
7. Coordinator – SCOPE Centre and DELL (Digital ENglish Language Lab, Bhavnagar University.
8. Member - IQAC - Internal QUality Asurance Cell of Bhavnagar University.
9. Member - Publication Cell - Bhavnagar University.
10. Secretary - IndiaCALL, an affiliat of AsiaCALL.
11. President - Bhavnagar Chapter of ELT@I, English Language Teachers Association of India.
Experience of online conference
1. He has participated in REAP International Online Conference on Assessment Design for Learner Responsibility during May 29-31 2007.
2. He has participated in National Online Training on Self-Learning Material Development Workshop organised by STRIDE, IGNOU, New Delhi, India during 4-Aug-2008 to 26-Sept-2008).
Moderator of following e-groups
1. SUETA - Saurashtra University English Teachers Association. To join this e-grop, send email to sueta-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.in. To post message to the group, send email to sueta@yahoogroups.co.in.
2. Knowledge Management Programme for Faculty, The Dept. of Higher Education, Gujarat State, Gujarat - INDIA.
3. Department of English, Bhavnagar University - (for former students)
3. Digital English Language Lab.
4. KSV M.Phil.
5. Commerce and BBA College.
6. DELL for Task Force Members and District DELL Coordinators.
7. Department of English, Bhavnagar University - (FOr current studetns)
8. Bhavnagar University English Teachers Association.
Recent Seminar /Conference / Workshop
Dilip Barad at AsiaCALL 2009 International Conference
Dilip Barad conducting workshop in National Conference on Technology in ELT - NCTELT 2009
Dilip Barad presenting paper on Wikieducator in National Conference on Technology in ELT - NCTELT 2009
1. Conducted workshop on "Language Lab and SAC (Self-Access Centre)" as resource person with Dr. Kalyan Chattopadhyay in 4th International ELT@I Conference, Chennai, INDIA.
2. Presented a paper on 'Divergent Learnig Styles' in 4th International EL@I COnference, Chennai, India.
3. AsiaCALL 2008, Thailand: Presented a paper on "Experimenting ICT in Teaching English Language and Literature" . Date: 21 - 23 Nov. 2008. The paper can be read at www.dilipbarad.com. The presentation of this paper can be viewed at Experimenting ICT in TELL
4. AsiaCALL 2008, Thailand: Conducted workshop as co-resource person with Dr. Kalyan Chattopadhyay on Enhancing Listening and Speaking Skills Using Advanced Sound Editing Software.
5. Conducted workshop on Audacity and ELT at National Conference on Technology in ELT. Jan 2009.
6. Presented paper on WikiEducator at National Conference on Technology in ELT. Jan 2009.
7. Participated as a DEBATOR in National Seminar on 'Modern Theories and -isms in Literary Criticism' at Jetpur College in Gujarat. March 2009.
8. Conducted Workshop for the English faculty of BCA (Computer Applications) colleges constiffiliated with Bhavnagar University on 'What to Teach and How to Test?'
9. As a Resource Person, conducted session on 'The Role of District DELL Coordinators and E-Groups' in the Workshop on 'The Role of District DELL Coordinators' at GCERT, Gandhinagar, Gujarat (INDIA) on 7 and 8 Nov 2009.
Ongoing Research Projects
1. Research Project funded by University Grant Commission (UGC), New Delhi, INDIA - Title of the Project: ICT and Educational Community: Integrating ICT into Teaching and Learning process to Empower and develop proficiency of Teachers and Students
Recent Publication
Articles in Magazines and Journals
1. To Spell or Not To Spell Correctly Published in VOICES by IATEFL, University of Kent, UK. Issue - 210. September-October 2009. ISSN: 1814-3830.
How to cite this article:
Barad, D. P. (2009). To Spell or Not To Spell Correctly. Voices, (210), 32.
2. Pedagogical Issues Related to Speaking and Listening Skills & Sound Editing Software: Audacity.. Published in ELT Weekly Online Journal. ISSN: 0975-3036. Issue 27.
How to cite this articel:
Barad, D. P. (2009). Pedagogical Issues Related to Speaking and Listening Skills & Sound Editing Software: Audacity. ELT Weekly, 1(27). Retrieved August 13, 2009, from http://eltweekly.com/more/2009/07/26/eltweekly-issue27-contents/
3. "Identifying Best Teacher: A Process with an Empirical Approach" has
been published in University News (Vol. 46, No. 35, Sept. 01-07, 2008. ISSN: 0566-2257
Page no. 18)
How to cite this article:
Barad, D. P. (2008). Identifying Best Teacher: A Process with an Empirical Approach. Univeristy News, 46(35), 44.
4. Book Review:"Dalit Literature: A Critical Exploration Published in Contemporary Vibes (English Quarterly). Vo 4; Issue 13. OCt-Dec 2008. Chandigarh - INDIA.
5. The Concept & Practices of Assessment in Higher Education of the Present State & Implementing the Practice of Quality. Published by Christ College, Rajkot - INDIA.
1. Barad, D. P. (2009). The Women Characters in the Novels of Thomas Hardy. Ph.D. thesis, Atlantic
Publisher & Distributors (P) Ltd, New Delhi. ISBN: 978-81-269-1042-7
2. Barad, D. P. (2008). Improving Communication Skills. Jaipur, INDIA: Paradise Publisher. ISBN: 978-81-905349-2-5
3. Barad, D. P. (2008). English Language and Communication Skills – Vol.: I & II (Vol. 2). Jaipur,
INDIA: Mark Publications. ISBN: 978-81-89472-23-8
Click on slide to see the cover page of the books recently published.
Online Training on Self Learning Material Development
- Click here to View Certificate, which is awarded as the participant have successfully participated and prepared SLM on Literary_Criticism in this workshop.
- CLick the below given link to read his SLM.
Read SLM on Aristotle's Poetics
Dilip Barad's Contact details
- Office Address: Post Graduate Department of English, University Campus, Gaurishankar Lake Road, Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar, Gujarat - 364002. INDIA.
- Residence: Plot No. 1580, Block No. 3, Soham Society, Behind Theosophy Lodge, Rupani Circle, Bhavnagar - 364002. Gujarat. INDIA.
- Phone numbers: +91 278 2514401; +919427733691; +919898272313
- Fax: +91 278 2514401
View Presentations
Click Dilip's Presentations to view more presentations.
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Click on slide to proceed.
1. WikiEducator - Sharing OER
2. Audacity and Listening Skills
3. Dictionary Skills
4. Academic Writing Skills - 1
5. Academic Writing Skills - 2
6. Experimenting ICT in TELL
Join ONLINE COURSES run by Dr.Dilip Barad
1. Click to join the course on Literary Criticism. Read the unit and then go to TELL and enroll for this course.
2. Click to join the course on NET / GCET paper 1 and 2. Click NET/GSET to join this course.
1. Definitions of Distance Learning / Distance Education
2. WikiEducator - Platform for e-Learning Resources
3. Spellings - To Spell or Not to Spell Correctly?
4. Articles on [Sir Philip Sidney's Defence of Poetry], [M.Arnold's Study of Poetry], [Northrop Frye's Archetypal Criticism], [I.A.Richards's Figurative Language], [Cleanth Brooks's Language of Paradox], [Gerard Genette's Structuralism and Literary Criticism], [Dryden's Essay of Dramatic Poesy], [Wordsworth's Preface to Lyrical Ballads], [Coleridge's Biographia Literaria], [T.S.Eliot's Tradition and Individual Talent], [Elaine Showalter's Towards Feminist Poetics], and [Derrida's Structure, Sign and Play]
View My Pictures
Photographs of AsiaCALL 2008 COnference at Thailand
More albums at Picasa web
WikiEducator Promotional Video
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Notes from my Wikineighbours
Hello Dilip! Welcome to the EL4C23 Workshop! I look forward to your insight and comments, and if you should see some opportunity to collaborate, please let me know.--Benjamin Stewart 01:30, 27 May 2009 (UTC)
( : I enjoyed reading your profile. Perhaps we can collaborate... )
--nelliemuller 14:01, 1 November 2008 (UTC)
( : Fascinating profile.Keep it up.)
--Kalyan Chattopadhyay 13 April 2009
Create and use a different background colour.Your user page will look different.
--Kalyan Chattopadhyay 22 April 2009
( : I have taken the liberty to change background colour.I think it helps.)
--Kalyan Chattopadhyay 22 April 2009
( : I was just thinking what a strange background colour, I don't know what the original was but now it is not enhancing the content in my opinion. Excellent page, congratulations very impressive. )--Nadia El Borai 00:05, 3 July 2009 (UTC)
( : Hi Dilip. Nice to see you here at the first L4C training under the new arrangements that were just announced. Welcome again. Warm wishes --Patricia 18:16, 27 July 2009 (UTC))
News and Events
Hello and welcome to EL4C23, a free online wiki skills workshop. To add your profile, copy the Profile template headings (you can always edit or add more information later), "go back to the previous page" (your userpage) click on "edit" at the top of this page, paste the template headings, scroll down to the bottom of the page, check "watch this page" box and click on "save page". Please feel free to remove the welcome message. Enjoy the workshop.
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