MOSEP foundation module/session 5

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Mosep logo small.jpg More self-esteem with my e-portfolio: Foundation Module
Discovering the power of e-portfolio



This session is designed for participants to start thinking about planning and implementing ePortfolio in their own institution. As such, the session will also deal with ePortfolio tools. Although there is a wide selection of tools availibale (off-the shelf and freeware/open source solutions) the participant is encouraged to explore and exploit Mahara. Particulary, having completed this sessiion, you will be able to:

  • understand the reasons for ePortfolio development within the context (individual, group and institution)
  • understand complex dependencies between the elements of ePortfolio implementation process at individual, group and institutional level
  • create a strategic plan for ePortfolio system within the institution
  • plan implementation of ePortfolio at individual, group and institutional level

In therms of tools exploitation you will be able to:

  • explore examples of ePortfolio tools
  • use an ePortfolio system solution exampled by Mahara
  • give support (at individual, group and institutional) in practical ePortfolio implementation in Mahara system

Having completed the session you will have a draft of your individual ePortfolio including your account in the system, a profile page, basic digital artifacts, links or blog entries. Also you will have a plan for ePortfolio implementation for your students and also a plan for your institution to start with ePortfolio development. If you feel ready to start ePortfolio with your students - do it now!

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Selection criteria

There is a bunch of literature which can help you make a choice of a tool, e.g. in our MOSEP study. Also, there are also on-line tools availiable to examine the features of a selected tools Edu tools. There are several issues which must be considered when institution or an individual wants to select an appropriate tool (see Ali Jafari Educause Review ).

  • Standards: As portability is a key issue of ePortfolios learners must be able to transport their ePortfolios from one institution to another.
  • Ease of use: Software must offer simple and attractive interface so that only short training is required for both learners and teachers. It is especially important when dealing with young learners who have high expectation for user-friendly software. The solution must also enable simple file and artefacts transfer. It is very unlikely that users support a confusing and inconsistent application.
  • Sustainability: Is also worth considering, especially with the view to further development of ePortfolio systems. A tool selected must be reliable and robust.
  • Interoperability: It must also interoperate with existing learning management tools already used within and institution. If there is a variety of technological solutions developed by different vendors it must be assured that the data integration is possible. See also Interoperability use cases

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Design the perfect ePortfolio tool in a group work for your organizational purposes! This task is to come up with an idea of what functionalities should a good ePortfolio tool have. Imagine that you are trying to implement an ePortfolio in your practice but you do not have any software which seems appropriate. If you were to design one, what functionalities would you want it to have? What would be necessary in order to fulfill the goals and functions you were discussing during earlier sessions and activities? Remember that ePortfolio does not have to be (and even cannot) created with one single tool so that you can use combination of the several. Write down your impressions (blog entry). Now go back to Mahara system.

Which of the functionalities you marked necessary are availiable here? Which features Mahara lacks? Have you found anything that you had not written down bu what seems interesting to you? Update your blog entry. Discuss with group.

ePortfolio Strategies - macrodidactical considerations

When you consider implementing Portfolio within your institution you will have to make decisions on several levels. From administrative to strategic, from personal to technical, as with any innovation ePortfolio implementation requires consideration of different aspects. It is very important to see ePortfolio as a part of a broader landscape : in the local/ regional/national context, in the life-long learning perspective, tightly linked with a vocational education and labour market. There are also some particular issues which needs consideration:

      • ePortfolio and teaching methods, strategies and goals in your institution,
      • availiable resources, both human and material (in terms of skills and numbers)
      • strategic development plan of your institution
      • interoperability and integration with other software systems (CMSs, databases and the like)
      • servers performance and data back-ups
      • technologies which support portable portfolio
      • system which is suitable for a growing number of users
      • staff to support and maintain the system and the users
      • infrastructure to train users and administrators
      • maintanance over time
      • securing personal data
      • storing and securing assesments
      • authentication of work
      • owner of the artifacts and records (author, institution, both)
      • what can be included in ePortfolio

Based on Lorenzo and Ittelson Educause

As ePortfolios has been already introduced all around schools, especially in USA, Canada and some European countries as well, you may also want to have a look at Case Studies Overview or to explore different case studies into more details Case Studies

The Challenges of Technology

An overview of the tools

stages of eportfolio development organizationally (from G.Siemens

An overview about ePortfolio tools from George Siemens.

Level 1 may include simple websites and incorporate blogs or wikis. Limited navigation of content is included. Level 2 consists of dynamic web pages. Navigation and search features are available. Portfolio owners can also create different sections of the site to allow access for different reasons. Level 3 requires institutional support of eportfolios, including instruction on actual use. The institution may also host the software to allow learners to build their portfolios. Level 4 requires the institution integrates portfolio use and development into the process of instruction and assessment Level5 requires the institution adheres to standards, permits interoperability of the portfolio with other institutions.

Selection criteria

There is a bunch of literature which can help you make a choice of a tool[link - delicious? resources?]. Also, there are also on-line tools availiable to examine the features of a selected tools Edu tools.

There are several issues which must be considered when institution or an individual wants to select an appropriate tool.

  • standards as portability is a key issue of ePortfolios learners must be able to transport their ePortfolios from one institution to another.
  • ease of use

software must offer simple and attractive interface so that only short training is required for both learners and teachers. It is especially important when dealing with young learners who have high expectation for user-friendly software. The solution must also enable simple file and artefacts transfer. It is very unlikely that users support a confusing and inconsistent application.

  • sustainability is alos worth considering, especially with the view to further development of ePortfolios system. A tool selected must be reliable and robust.
  • interoperabilityIt must also interoperate with existing learning management tools already used within and institution. If there is a variety of technological solutions developed by different vendors it must be assured that the data integration is possible. See also Interoperability use cases
    • ePortfolio accompanies learners' life-long learning. It is highly possible then that learners wants to continue using one's software after finishing a certain stage of learning. Also, a learner may want to retain easy access to artifacts generated during learning. A software must then support these attempts and so must the institution.
  • Four approaches to develop ePortfolio systems within institution (read more in Lorenzo and Ittelson Educause)
    • "Do it yourself": customised and internally developed system
    • Open Source systems publicly availiable at no charge
    • Commercial tools purchased from a vendor, with licensing and support fees
    • Common tools, not designed specifically for ePortoflios but supporting more creativity (html editors)

Based on Lorenzo and Ittelson Educause and Ali Jafari Educause Review


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1. Planning of ePortfolio in your institution In the [Session 1: Introduction] you have considered your target group and how you want to use ePortfolio in your everyday practice. Now we would like you to reflect on the possibilities of introducing ePortfolio on individual and institutional level.

  • Make a SWOT analysis of implementing ePortfolio on your individual level SWOT.

Things to consider

  • Which stage of the ePortfolio development are you?
  • Why would you need ePortfolio?
  • Would ePortfolio be a part of your personal development?
  • What resources (personal, financial, technical)do you already have and what investment is feasible?
  • What skills/competencies do you have? What further training may you need? What support will you have?
  • What is your motivation to use ePortfolio?

  • Make a SWOT analysis of implementing ePortfolio in your school

Things to consider

  • Which stage of the ePortfolio and IT development is your school at?
  • Why would you institution introduce ePortfolio?
  • Would ePortfolio be a part of a curriculum?
  • What resources (human, financial, technical)have your school got already and what investment is feasible?
  • What skills/competencies do the teachers have? What further training may be needed? What support will you have?
  • What is the motivation of learners and teachers to use ePortfolio?

Write a blog entry on the most important things to keep in mind when introducing ePortfolio.

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2. Selection of tools

There is a wide range of tools which can be used for creating one’s ePortfolio. You can e.g see different examples of personal ePortfolio created by Helen Barrett [1] who created her ePortfolio with a variety of software, from spreadsheets to commercial system. You can also have a look at dedicated ePortfolio systems there Elgg [2] and Mahara [3]

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3.Analysing and selecting tools (approx. 1 hour) Design the perfect ePortfolio tool in a group work for your organizational purposes! This task is to come up with an idea of what functionalities should a good ePortfolio tool have. Imagine that you are trying to implement an ePortfolio in your practice but you do not have any software which seems appropriate. If you were to design one, what functionalities would you want it to have? What would be necessary in order to fulfill the goals and functions you were discussing during earlier sessions and activities? Remember that ePortfolio does not have to be (and even cannot) created with one single tool so that you can use combination of the several. Write down your impressions (blog entry). Now go back to Mahara system.

Which of the functionalities you marked necessary are availiable here? Which features Mahara lacks? Have you found anything that you had not written down bu what seems interesting to you? Update your blog entry. Discuss with group.

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4. Setting up one’s own e-portfolio – basics. Exploration of an ePortfolio tool. Draft of your ePortfolio.

  • Define a target group of your personal ePortfolio. If you had already done so, verify it now.

When you have decided on the software you want to use you should complete 3 basic tasks:

  • Set up your own account
  • Create a personal profile page
  • Write a blog entry summing up in few sentences what you have gained from this workshop

Look at your Profile and revise it, if necessary. Try to set up a draft version of your ePortfolio. You can also provide links to your previous blog entries here.

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5. Planning of ePortfolio implementation

  • Define the target group of your learners. If you had already done so, verify it now.
  • Plan implementation of individual learner's ePortfolio. You may wish to consider:
    • your SWOT analysis prepared in Activity X
    • E-portfolio evaluation criteria and indicators
    • resources availiable as well as these necessary to obtain (tools and equipment, skills and the like)
    • implementation strategies,
    • set up goals and tasks,
    • timeframe,
    • monitoring and evaluation strategies (considering process and product)
  • Plan implementation of ePortfolio on institutional level.

You may wish to consider:

    • your SWOT analysis prepared in Activity X
    • resources availiable as well as these necessary to obtain (tools and equipment, skills and the like)
    • implementation strategies (integration with curriculum, requirenments, local school environment - such as parents, labour market)
    • set up goals and tasks,
    • timeframe,
    • monitoring and evaluation strategies (considering process and product)

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  • Attwell G, Recognising Learning: Educational and pedagogic issues in e-Portfolios,[4]
  • Barrett H., Creating ePortfolios with Web 2.0 Tools [5]
  • Barrett H., My "Online Portfolio Adventure" [6]
  • Beetham. H., (2005) e-portfolios in post-16 learning in the UK: developments, issues and

opportunities. Report for the JISC e-Learning and Pedagogy Programme. Available online at [7]


  • It is assumed that participants will have followed the Introductory session prior to this session.
  • Participants should previously have identified their target group for the ePortfolio and have considered their specific learning needs.
  • Although not critical, it would be helpful if participants have examined a range of ePortfolio tools prior to this session.
  • Understanding of the ePortfolio process in time
  • Understanding ePortfolios purposes