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Discover the power of e-portfolios with MOSEP!
Empowering Young Learners
Today we see the increasing use of e-portfolios in schools with governments and regions committed to providing e-portfolios to all school students.
Why? What is an e-portfolio? And how can it help students?
At the heart of e-portfolio concept is a learner-centred model allowing a greater degree of personalisation of learning and motivating and empowering students to acquire the skills needed to succeed in today‘s knowledge economy and become confident and competent 21st Century citizens. The e-portfolio is a powerful tool to aid inclusion in both social and educational terms as it encourages the celebration of achievements – the wide pallet of skills and interests that a young person has gained both in and out of school.
The focus of the MOSEP-initiative lies on ensuring that all school students – particularly those in the critical transition stage of 14-16 years – will be enabled to develop and demonstrate their full potential .
MOSEP - More Self-esteem with my e-portfolio
MOSEP is harnessing the power of electronic portfolios (e-portfolios) as a means of supporting both young people and the teaching and counselling staff who work with them. A strong European partnership – from Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland and the UK – is working closely with a network of experts across Europe to produce an e-portfolio ‘toolkit’ specifically designed for initial and in-service teacher trainers and vocational counsellors. The project is being funded under the European Commission‘s Leonardo da Vinci Programme.
Successful implementation of the e-portfolio approach demands re-thinking the way we approach teaching and learning today. Teachers require specific competencies to support learners in creating and maintaining their e-portfolios – and in evaluating the outcomes. For the learners themselves, the challenge is to acquire the necessary competencies for building a portfolio and, more fundamentally, developing as reflective learners and accepting greater responsibility for their learning journeys and careers.
The MOSEP Toolkit
The following products and services will be freely available for use by schools and teacher training organisations:
- A study outlining the specific qualifications and skills required by teachers/tutors working with adolescents
- A MOSEP train-the-trainer course for teachers/tutors and counsellors
- A teacher-training package providing guidelines, assignments that teachers can use with the adolescents
- An online forum for the teachers/tutors on how to use this material and also how to select, install and implement an open-source e-portfolio tool for use with their students.
Benefit from MOSEP
- Join the community of practice. Visit the MOSEP website – – to contribute to the discussions using the blogs and WIKIs, working with the partners and other practitioners
- Join the network of experts: we welcome the participation of policy-makers, researchers and practitioners with experience in the use of e-portfolios in schools
- Share information about your e-portfolio initiatives
- Use the MOSEP toolkit and provide feedback about your experiences
„A portfolio is often defined as a purposeful collection of student [or teacher] work that illustrates efforts, progress, and achievement in one or more areas over time. An electronic portfolio uses digital technologies, allowing the portfolio developer to collect and organize portfolio artifacts in many media types (audio, video, graphics, text….The learner‘s reflections are the rationale that specific artifacts are evidence of achieving the stated standards or goals. An electronic portfolio is a reflective tool that demonstrates growth over time.“ Helen Barrett,
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.