Learning and Teaching in Practice/Module 5 portfolio activities

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Module 5: Teaching philosophy

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Learning outcome
Your portfolio must demonstrate that you:
  • Articulate and implement a beginning personal teaching philosophy based on own concepts and beliefs integrated with adult learning theoretical perspectives.
  • Integrate critical reflection into learning and teaching practice and engage in self-evaluation practices.

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Portfolio Activity

Write a Teaching Philosophy
  1. Watch these two youtube videos which explain how to write a teaching philosophy: Hawkeye Community College (Part 1), (Part 2)
  2. Use the questions in the table below as a starting point to prepare your philosophy.
  3. Prepare your written teaching philosophy as a written reflection using the template, and the marking criteria for reflective writing and academic writing in the Course Outline.
    • include a variety of good quality, current and relevant literature sources to support your philosophy.
    • Make sure you include your goals for action competency.
    • Use the discussion forum in Moodle to ask questions.
  4. Request formative feedback from your facilitator and/or peers.
  5. Notify your facilitator when your final teaching philosophy is ready on your porfolio for marking.


(Adapted from an article by the University Center for the Advancement of Teaching at Ohio State University (2009), and are based on Nancy Chism's (1998) work.)

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