Learning Outcome
Your portfolio must demonstrate that you:
- Recognise, value and utilise students' cultural orientation, prior learning, learning preferences/styles, and numeracy and literacy needs by providing a diverse range of activities and opportunities to encourage deep learning.
Portfolio Activity
Develop a learner profile for a group of your learners.
- Prepare this in either a diagrammatic, written or audiovisual format and explain what it means.
- For example, you could prepare a mindmap to illustrate the design. (See 15 best mindmapping tools.)
- Include demographic information (gender, age, ethnicity, location etc.), learners' characteristics, learner preferences and needs and skills for learning.
- Describe an example of learner diversity in your context where you believe that access to learning may be compromised or inequitable.
- This may relate to the subject, resources, technologies, learning culture, socio-economics, ethnicity, assessments, learner motivation, engagement and abilities etc.
- Discuss what your learners might need to access the learning environment more fully, and what you can provide.
- What are the barriers?
- What support is needed - pastoral and academic?
- How will you ensure that deep learning opportunities are provided?
- Add to your portfolio - your explorations, descriptions, discussions and reflections.
- Request feedback by sharing the link to your learner profile on the Moodle discussion forum. (Link below.)
Link to Moodle Sharing and discussions forum.
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