Thoughts on quality
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Randy Fisher
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Open Authoring and Veracity of Material
Do you have any concerns about the quality of educational resources developed using an open authoring approach? If so, what are your concerns? If not, how does an open authoring approach contribute to high quality learning materials?
My main concern has to do with the background of the author of the material; is this person educated in the area? Do they have the requisite knowledge? Can the material be verified? An open authoring approach, when vetted, can help disseminate important information globally and allow those who normally can not gain access, access to same.
In your opinion, should closed or open authoring approaches be used in the development of learning resources for use in education? Give reasons for your view?
I think that there are arguments for both. Open authoring approaches will certainly change the ability of those without resources to access material; this access will allow for a broader educational approach. However, closed authoring can be important to allow for copyright so that educators can feel that their material has value and worth.
What mechanisms can be adopted to assure quality of educational content developed in wiki environments? A vetting process whereby the community or a community overseas the material to insure its value and veracity. - Ellenfeig 21:10, 6 February 2011 (UTC)
- Yes, Ellen - you're right - taken a step further, imagine that a group of educators decide to develop an OER module or course - and they divvy up their roles and responsibilities - in much the same way a non-OER module or course might be developed. The only difference here is how it is licensed, and therefore 'used'. A quality approach to OER could be integrated in both structure (i.e., who's on the team, credentials, etc.) and process (how the work is to be done, signoff, approvals, 'vetting) - so that it leads to a quality resource, that is also trusted by the larger community. - Randy Fisher 23:46, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
Do you have any concerns about the quality of educational resources developed using an open authoring approach? If so, what are your concerns? If not, how does an open authoring approach contribute to high quality learning materials?
I think if the right people have access to the site and are posting accurate material, the information should be sound in nature.
In your opinion, should closed or open authoring approaches be used in the development of learning resources for use in education? Give reasons for your view? 'Italic textBold text
This would be an asset since many that have knowledge on various subjects that could be of value to others. The sharing of ideas keeps the material fresh and current.
- Nycole - Agreed - however, some thought has to be put into how to engage folks who are used to working in closed authoring environments to migrate to developing open content. In my experience, this takes time - and there is some risk involved. This is classic change management - and it needs to be addressed to build critical mass for OER adoption, IMHO - Randy Fisher 23:50, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
'What mechanisms can be adopted to assure quality of educational content developed in wiki environments? Italic text
Proper monitoring of the contributors would be a step on insuring quality content
Abdul Khadar
I think this is a very interesting topic.I do strongly believe that open authoring is going to play greater roles in our educational scenario.I hope that the kind of possibilities it offers conform well to the new ideologies like that of learner-fronted activity oriented pedagogy.
Jane Hornibrook
I have no concerns about the quality of resources developed openly - although I have heard various arguments from others about why there should be concerns. The points which occasionally crop up are:
- Quality resources are valuable and therefore should be kept protected - under this mentality, a learning institution will lose credibility if the development of resources is so open
- Open authoring approaches don't screen so well for quality because the work doesn't get legitimized by a publisher
These arguements don't seem to outweigh the benefits of open co-authoring for me. However, I'm not a teacher and so would be really interested to hear others' experiences or fears in this area.
I think the benefits of developing educational content in wiki environments would be:
- Accountability - a wiki keeps track of who wrote what, and when.
- Concentrates efforts - joining multiple expertise and minds together (rather than repeating our work in silos) to create a resource can only be the best way
- A modern approach to governance - it seems more democratic and transparent
- Ease of reuse - it's incredibly easy to copy, tweak and embed wiki resources into your own personalized lesson environments
I wonder if the following methods could be used for quality assurance:
- Having some sort of moderator function on content projects - perhaps a delegated authority in that area
- Key resources could be verified or legitimized by an outside authoritative party once completed
- I think the 'discussion' pages are a good idea, since people can debate aspects of content openly
--Janecc 22:29, 3 February 2011 (UTC)
- Jane - all good points. I think it's important for someone in an institution to set the strategic direction for using OERs. It's awfully difficult for teachers to 'buy-in' unless there is this type of support, even though OERs is a grassroots-oriented movement. Maybe, as part of the 'business case' for OERs - one might put in place the suggestions you make - which give a greater sense of control in often uncertain, or what appear to be uncertain, OER waters. - Randy Fisher 23:41, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
Tero Toivanen
Do you have any concerns about the quality of educational resources developed using an open authoring approach? If so, what are your concerns? If not, how does an open authoring approach contribute to high quality learning materials?
- The most important thing in my opinion is to get enough people who are working together developing open educational resources in different roles. We need producers, advisors, guides, evaluators, users, etc. This ensures the quality of resources and keep them updated. This has partially succeeded in Wikipedia.
- Tero - there are many "important" things - it all depends who you're talking to, and what their interests and/or priorities are. Being sensitive to these dynamics, will increase the likelihood of success - and that other people will want to rally around your activities in OER. = Randy Fisher 23:37, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
In your opinion, should closed or open authoring approaches be used in the development of learning resources for use in education? Give reasons for your view?
- At the moment probably both, but in the future should all be open, because information should be the property of the whole world.
What mechanisms can be adopted to assure quality of educational content developed in wiki environments?
- We need to get enough teachers and other experts to make and evaluate resources.
--Teromakotero 19:41, 4 February 2011 (UTC) Mathewthambi 18:19, 6 March 2011 (UTC)
Do you have any concerns about the quality of educational resources developed using an open authoring approach? If so, what are your concerns? If not, how does an open authoring approach contribute to high quality learning materials?
I feel it all depends on the contributing person`s deapth of knowledge in the subject.Then again there can be concern on the person`s exposure to the very current information.
In your opinion, should closed or open authoring approaches be used in the development of learning resources for use in education? Give reasons for your view?
Open authering is an ideal situation that should happen in the field of education.Information as such may not serve the purpose unless the same is provided at the right time.All the resources undergo change on a time scale ,and education is one powerful resource.