Learning4Content/L4C Zambia Workshops
Under the Learning4Content (L4C) initiative, Zambia is conducting face-to-face workshops and online workshops.
The L4C initiative will help WikiEducator achieve its goal of a free version of the education curriculum by 2015. Each L4C workshop participant receives free wiki skills training in return for providing a free lesson or learing resource to WikiEducator. In 2008, Zambia will contribute towards to common goal of this initiative to:
- facilitate 160 workshops
- train 2500 educators, trainers and teachers in basic wiki editing skills and
- develop 2500 new content resources on WikiEducator.
[hide]Pilot Face-to-Face Workshop in Zambia
Our first L4C face-to-face workshop is scheduled from June 25-27, 2008 at the Zambian Collage of Accountancy Studies (ZCAS). More information here!
We encourage you to network with each other, share ideas and information, and support each other - as you develop your lesson plans on WikiEducator!
Register for an Upcoming Workshop in Zambia
Registration is now open! Please go to our L4C Zambia Registration page
Workshop Schedule
This page is for all in Zambia, of Zambian origin, or simply interested friends. Category listing all Users who have participated in an online L4C workshop who listed their usernames.