Learner needs analysis
From WikiEducator
Name of course you are studying:
- On a scale of 0-10 please rate your existing knowledge or skills for this course
Contact details
Please only complete the details with which you prefer to be contacted with:
Postal address
Mobile phone
What languages can you speak/write?
What is your experience e.g education, work, hobbies, interests?
Do you have any special or unique learning needs?
Do you know your preferred learning style? If Yes, what is it?
Please list the topics or skills you want help with:
What are your desired outcomes from peer tutoring?
How many sessions of tutoring per week do you think you need to achieve these outcomes?
How many weeks of tutoring do you think you need?
What day/s and time suits you best for tutoring?
What other resources do you think you might need to achieve your desired outcomes?
Preferred information formats
On a scale of 0-5 (5 being most preferred) please rate your preferences for information formats:
- Printed text book
- Printed work sheet
- Website activity
- Video
- Audio recording
What is your preferred communication method with me?
Tick appropriate options:
- Face to face
- Telephone/vision
- Text message
- Other