Vermont EPSCoR's Streams Project; A Teacher Collaboration on WikiEducator
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 LaPlatte River at Zen |
Basin: | Lake Champlain |
State or Province: | Vermont |
Country: | USA |
Latitude: | 44.362742 |
Longitude: | -73.209801 |
School: | Champlain Valley Union High School |
The following are the most common invertebrates collected from this stream site. This page needs some attention. We have samples from here and will work on the site shortly.
- Order
- Diptera
- Family
- Tipulidae
- Genus
- Antocha
This small dipteran in the cranefly family is quite common. It is distinguished from most other dipterans we found by the 'creeping welts' that appear as prominent dark stripes along the abdomen. The dark head is usually partly exposed; however, it can be pulled back into the thoracic cavity during preservation.
- Order
- Diptera
- Family
- Athericidae
- Common name
- water snipe flies
Members of the family Athericidae have wrinkled bodies with prolegs on the ventral side. Their mandibles- which can be seen by carefully cutting the head open- move parallel to each other. On the end of their abdomen there are two lobes fringed with setae. Our collections include just the single genus Atherix.
Image of the two lobes of the abdomen.
- Order
- Ephemeroptera
- Family
- Baetidae
- Common name
- Small minnow mayfly
- Tied fly
- Tiny blue-winged olive
This mayfly has either two or three cerci ("tails") and a unique head shape. Its gills are oval shaped and insert dorsally. Commonly encountered genera include
Baetis and
More information on the genera:
- Order
- Diptera
- Family
- Chironomidae
- Common name
- Nonbiting midge
- Tied fly
- Griffith's Gnat
Midge larvae tend to be the most common macroinvertebrate at our sites. As with other Diptera, there are no true jointed legs. Chironomidae do have a pair of prolegs at each end and preserved individuals tend to curl into a 'C'. Identification past family requires slide-mounted heads. We have seen philopotamid caddisflies misidentified with the chironomids and we suspect that that happens when samples are being sorted from trays. Under a microscope, six prominent legs can be seen on members of the caddisfly family Philopotamidae.
More information on Philopotamidae.
- Order
- Ephemeroptera
- Family
- Heptageniidae
- Common name
- flatheaded mayfly
- Tied fly
- Light Cahill, Wingless Pale Evening Dun
This family of mayflies can be characterized by their distinctly flattened heads and striking resemblance of the character 'Jack Skellington' from the movie 'The Nightmare Before Christmas.' This family can either have two or three cerci (tails).
Commonly encountered genera include:
- Order
- Trichoptera (caddisfly)
- Family
- Hydropsychidae
- Common name
- net spinning caddisfly
- Tied fly
- Emergent Sparkle Pupa, Vermont Hare's Ear
This family of net-spinning caddisflies is very abundant at several sites. They are important filtering collectors and are quite common at urban and agricultural sites where particles of organic material can be important food resources. Genus-level identification is possible for mature specimens and we will include the genera we found at your site if possible.
When using the key, some features that are challenging to see are the forked trochantin and the paired sclerites in the folds between segments. Other, more easily seen key features include filamentous gills on the abdominal segments and the sclerotization of the dorsal surfaces of all three thoracic segments. Keep in mind that with smaller or more immature specimens, genus-level ID may not be possible.
Commonly found genera include Cheumatopsyche, Ceratopsyche, and Hydropsyche. Less commonly, we have found Arctopsyche and Potamyia.
Images of the forked trochantin and the paired sclerites.
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Family
- Elmidae
- Common name
- riffle beetle
We very commonly find adult and larval riffle beetles. The adults are clearly beetles, but the larvae can be confused with other orders. The forward pointing tooth on the front end of the larvae as described in the key can be a challenge to see, particularly in small individuals. Larvae are characterized by having a single tarsal claw at the end of their legs, which have 4 segments. Adults, on the other hand, have two tarsal claws at the end of each leg. Commonly encountered genera include
Promoresia, and
Images of the adult and larval riffle beetles.
More information on Dubiraphia, Macronychus, Optioservus, Phanocerus, Promoresia, and Stenelmis.
- Order
- Trichoptera
- Family
- Brachycentridae
- Genus
- Brachycentrus
- Common name
- The Olive Dun Caddis
- Tied fly
- Deer Hair Caddis
These larvae are typically found with their legs extended out of their case for feeding. The cases are square in cross section and made of plant materials. Brachycentrus has 2 large sclerites on the metanotum. In fresh samples (preserved for less than one week) these organisms often have a pale green tint; live specimens are a more vivid green.
- Order
- Trichoptera
- Family
- Helicopsychidae
- Genus
- Helicopsyche
- Common name
- snailcase caddisfly
- Tied fly
- speckled peter
This caddisfly genus has one local species. It looks rather like a snail but has lots of sand grains covering it's 'shell' which is really a case. The anal claws have closely-spaced teeth, much like a small comb.
Image of the closely-spaced teeth
- Order
- Trichoptera
- Family
- Philopotamidae
- Common name
- fingernet caddisflies
Philopotomidae are net-spinning filtering collectors. A casual observer might sort them with Chironomidae, but a close look reveals six jointed legs. The faint white 'T' shaped labrum extending from the front of the head past the mandibles is diagnostic for the family (it is sometimes withdrawn and hard to see).
Image of the faint white 'T' shaped labrum. Common genera include Dolophilodes, Wormaldia, and Chimarra.
- Order
- Trichoptera
- Family
- Leptoceridae
- Tied fly
- White Miller, LaFontaine Dancing Caddis
At least two genera from this family are common in Lake Champlain. The species in the genus Nectopsyche that we have found is very long (2.5 cm) and slender. Oecetis cases from our samples are shaped like cornucopia.
- Order
- Plecoptera
- Family
- Perlidae
- Common name
- The Golden Stonefly Creeper
- Tied fly
- Connecticut Curler
This stonefly is characterized by the three pairs of filamentous gills located on the sides of all three thoracic segments. It is distinguished from the family Pteronarcyidae by the absence of gills on the abdominal segments. Often, the thoracic terga are brightly patterned as pictured, though this is not always the case. Another important feature is that the paraglossae and glossae extend different lengths.
Images of filamentous gills and the family Pteronarcyidae.
Genera commonly encountered in this family include Acroneuria, Agnetina, and Paragnetina. Less commonly, we have found Perlesta.
Very rarely encountered genera include Neoperla and Hansonoperla. If you believe you have found either of these, please send a specimen our way!
- Order
- Ephemeroptera
- Family
- Caenidae
- Common name
- small squaregill mayflies
These "small square-gill" mayflies have operculate (plate-like) gills on segment 2 that cover gills on segments 3 to 6. Their bodies are built for crawling, and their heads are held vertically. The genus
Caenis is commonly found.
More information on Caenis.
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Family
- Psephenidae
- Genus
- Psephenus
The true "water penny" is commonly found in the waters sampled.
Psephenus has a rounded shape with relatively smooth edge. The
false water penny, whose edges are serrated, has a more oval appearance. The
gills on the ventral surface are found only in the true water pennies.
Another genus encountered in this family is Ectopria.
- Order
- Ephemeroptera
- Family
- Siphlonuridae
- Genus
- Siphlonurus
- Common name
- The Gray Drake
- Tied fly
- Gold-ribbed Hare's Ear
This family has gills on all abdominal segments. The labrum does not have a deep notch, and maxillae do not have pectinate spines. They have posterolateral spines on their last abdominal segment.
Click to view the spines on the last abdominal segment, unlike those found in Baetidae.