Architectural Principles
From WikiEducator
- The architecture should work for all of the three LMS systems (Moodle, Ultranet, and KnowledgeNet) involved in the MLE programme as a reasonable test that it will generalise to a wide range of current and future LMS systems used in New Zealand schools.
- The architecture should work for a range of school contexts and levels (Primary through to Senior High School).
- The architecture should use open standards and protocols for the transport layer (e.g. HTTP, XML, LEAP2A)
- The architecture should be consistent with the Common Services Framework (Piers Harding, 2009)
- Systems should be loosely coupled.
- LEAP2A should be used as the preferred document encoding for portfolio content transfer
- The architecture should be a lightweight web services approach. A RESTful approach is recommended over RPC due to its relative simplicity and transparency for service consumers
- The architecture should use a delegated authentication and authorisation framework for secure transfer of content over HTTP or HTTPS. OAuth is recommended.
- Attention should be paid to the structure of URIs used for content items such that they are consistent, predictable and meaningful. CURIES should be used.
- Students should have a unique identifier outside of any particular institution. The NSN is an natural candidate.