Instructions for L4C Online Workshops
[hide]10-Day Workshops
Facilitators of EL4C27
Nellie Deutsch
Educational Consultant in Curriculum & Instruction
Dr. Gita Mathur
Associate Professor of Botany
Gargi College (University of Delhi)
Siri Fort Road, New Delhi 110049
Welcome Message
Welcome to WikiEducator !
Dear Workshop EL4C27 Participant,
We are happy to welcome you to Wikieducator's ever growing community of educators.
You will soon receive instructions regarding the activities of the workshop. In the mean time, please log into the workshop at:
You will see the course layout and instructions for each of the 10 days, a list of participants, a place to add your username, a place to introduce yourself and the feedback and discussion page.
You may start by going into Introduction and introducing yourself:
Have a wonderful workshop.
Daily Instructions
Dear Participants,
A warm welcome to EL4C27 workshop. The workshop will take place from Monday, June 1, 2009 to Friday, June 12, 2009.
- The training will be conducted on the wiki workshop at (see course layout) ::We recommend you use the tab for any questions or comments so, valuable content will reside in Wiki for further consults.
- Please Introduce yourself
- Getting started is easy. Download the print version of the instructions called "Getting Started" at (download the print version or read these directly on WikiEducator).
WikiEducator (WE) encourages you to visit the L4C homepage (see the links below) to find out more about this amazing project.
Dear EL4C27 Participant,
You should have added your bio to the introduction page by now. If not, please introduce yourself by clicking on the edit tab on the top bar, adding your details, clicking on watch this page and save at the bottom of the page:
In addition, there are a few first steps you are required to do in order to ensure a smooth workshop.
Please log into your Wikieducator account. You will see your username on the top menu bar of the page. We highly recommend you change your preferences so that you receive email notifications when the facilitators or other members of Wikieducator make a change on your user page. To do this, follow these instructions:
- Click on "my preferences" link (located in the upper right hand corner of the WikiEducator page)
- A special page will open. The first tab corresponds to "user profile" settings, please scroll down to "E-mail" title.
- Be sure all E-mail me preferences are checked.
- Click on "Save" tab (scroll down if necessary)
- If you have successfully changed your E-mail preferences, a green background message "Your preferences have been saved" will be displayed.
- Congratulations! You have edited your preferences.
Next, please visit your User Page.
- Click on your Account name link (located in the upper right hand corner of the WikiEducator page)
- You'll find a welcoming message. You can try editing your page. To do this, just click on "edit" tab so your page will be switched to "edit mode". Write any message you want, then scroll down to click on the "Save Page" tab.
- Now you can see your writing displayed in the "normal mode".
- Congratulations! You have made the first editing on your User Page.
- If your are in the mood, feel free to continue editing and saving your page.
Please, contact us on Feedback Page(link is given below) of the workshop if you need further assistance.
Dear Member,
We are most impressed with your activity and commitment. It is a privilege to experience these levels of enthusiasm and to know that people like you are joining the WikiEducator family!
Please don’t forget that we are meeting at the WIZIQ virtual Classroom
on June 5 depending on your time zone. Details on how to join us
can be found here:
A box with all information regarding this is being added to your User Page also.
You will find a time converter there, to see the appropriate time for you, to join us. We are expecting an exciting session, so come and get inspired.
As for the regular course work for Day 3, today will provide you with
more time to familiarize yourself with WikiEducator and give those of
you that are a little behind, an opportunity to catch up.
You will also be making your first edit in WikiEducator on your user page. Today you will learn about the two views of the wiki: 1. the published view and 2) the editing view.
- Work through Tutorial 3 on editing basics:Editing Basics
- We still have a number of outstanding learning contracts. Don't be
noticed by your absence!
You can download a copy of the Learning Contract here:
Please sign and fax your Learning Contract to +1 604 775 8210 or scan and email to us .
- If you haven't had a chance to complete the Online Survey -- please take a few minutes to do this. I would like to report back to this group on how we are doing regarding key performance indicators for the WikiEducator project.
- Our workshop website is here:
Dear Friends,
We hope that most of you have introduced yourself:
and started working on your profile on your userpage. This may be the first time you have published on the Web -- so celebrate your achievement!
Yes, that's right, all your edits can be viewed by anyone with an Internet connection.
Please let us know if you had any difficulties by posting your questions and comments on the Discussions and Feedback page:
We'll do our best to help out.
Today we will move onto the basics of wiki editing, that is formatting text. We are also interested in hearing your thoughts and ideas for the content resource you are planning to develop under your learning contract. This will be our discussion activity for today.
You will practice your edits in a personal editing space connected to your user page. We will call this a "sandbox" -- and we will show you how to set this up do this in Tutorial 4:
The idea is that you will use your new editing skills to develop your user page in WikiEducator and by the end of this week you should have a pretty impressive User page for other WikiEducators to get to know you a little better. You will also have your own practice area (your sandbox) for trying out your skills.
INSTRUCTIONS - Read each step carefully -- and you shouldn't have any difficulties:
Download a copy of our cheatsheet and keep this close at hand when working on the wiki:
STEP 2 -- Creating a sandbox and practising your skills
Work through Tutorial 4:
If you like -- you can download and print out a copy of the instructions for setting up a sandbox. Some users find it easier to work from a printed set of instructions:
Tell us about the content resource you are planning to develop under your learning contract by writing about it on the workshop Feedback page(see link below).
Looking forward to sharing ideas for content development!
Greetings Friends,
This email covers the instructions for Day 5 but also a request for participants who have not yet submitted their user names, to do so on this page:
If you have fallen a little behind -- there is still time to catch up
and you can review the instructions for each day on the home page of
the course layout:
Today you will learn about creating links. Remember to distinguish
(1) external links to other websites and
(2) internal links to other pages in WikiEducator. This is the way we also create new pages in the wiki. A new page is an internal link to a page which doesn't not exist yet <smile>. Not to worry -- you'll see how this works!
You will also learn about a rather nice feature where you can edit the actual text of the link which is displayed to the user. We call this a pipe in our wiki language <smile>.
(1) Work through Tutorial 5 on New pages and Links:
(2) Please submit your Username here:
This is important. Without a list of your user names -- We won't be able to certify your skills under the Wikimaster programme <smile>. Do take a look, WE has a community certification system where your skills are recognised by the community! (See:
Over the weekend we'll be taking a look at your pages and hopefully you will have achieved a few certifications in recognition of your hard work this week. Besides, listing your username is a great way for you to connect with the other EL4C27 workshop members!
We've almost covered all the skills you are going to need to join our international team of content developers in WikiEducator. All that's really left for us next week, is how to insert images and a few smart ideas on structuring content in the wiki. With the communication tips we'll be covering -- you are on your way to becoming a Wikibuddy! (
We suggest you complete your profile and start writing down ideas for
your projects on your userpage. Add the heading or copy the one
available on the following page:
Have fun with your new skills
Greetings Everyone,
As many of you will be way ahead of us when it comes to time differences, we thought we'll post the instructions for Day 6, earlier. So here they are.
You will learn about adding images to your pages in WikiEducator. The Mediawiki software gives users many options to manipulate the size, placement and captions -- all using wiki syntax. We will show you how to do this in today's tutorial.
After completing this tutorial, you will have all the skills you need to develop an impressive user page. Go ahead and impress us because you might just be the next User Page Excellence Award Winner. Have a look here:
Starting Monday, you should also spend a little time refining the text and layout on your User page. Be sure to include the layout features you have learned so far. That is bold, italics, headings, lists, internal and external links. (Tutorials 2, 4 & 5).
Let's see who can develop the best User page over the next few days because we'll be inviting L4C participants to comment and provide feedback on each other's user pages on Day 8.
We will take a look at each user page and see who qualifies for certification on our Wikimaster typology:
1. Work through Tutorial 6 on images:
2. Work on improving your User page -- don't forget to include a photograph of yourself using your new skills on inserting images!
3. Visit the participant list page:
and check whether there is a blue link to your user page from the list.
If not please provide us with your username -- you will find instructions
under the heading "submitting your user name":
Have a great weekend!
Looking forward to meeting many of you at the live online session today
(see box on your user page). Register in advance at: .
It is free.
Hi Everyone!
1. Today, you will work through Tutorial 7 on collaborative editing where you will learn a few neat tricks on how to monitor activity in the wiki:
2. You will also learn how to revert an edit which you should practice on your user page or sandbox..
3. All instructions can also be found directly on the wiki at
4. Please continue adding your feedback: and working on your profile on the userpage so we can add your personal infobox. We need the following details:
- Photo =
- Website= urls
- Employer=
- Occupation=
- Nationality=
- Country=
Dear WikiEducator friends!
Today you will learn about a few powerful features in the wiki; namely the ability to:
- Use WIkiEducator's internal communication features;
1. Work through Tutorial 8 on Communication and Interaction Tools:
2. Leave a personal message on the User page of at least three different participants who have listed their user pages over here:
3. To do this, you need to go to the respective User Page by clicking on a blue coloured link. Then click on the "Discussion" tab of the User page concerned (which you find at the top of the page). Add a positive comment on something you have seen on the member's user page, and if you have any ideas on how to improve the user page -- offer some friendly advice. If you receive a message from one of the other participants, send a reply by clicking on their username which is displayed in the automatic signature below the message.
4. Test the feature of adding a discussion item which relates to a content page on the wiki. See the discussion activity on this page first: Now find out another content page of interest on WikiEducator, go to its Discussion page and either Start a new discussion or go through the on going discussions, and add your comments by clicking the Reply link.
5. Notice, we have added a personal information box on your userpages. Please click on edit and add your information.
Hi Everyone!
We are very impressed with the progress of the group so far. There are only two days left and you will be a competent wiki developer!
WikiEducator is a community of Educators. One of our core community values is the belief that educational content is unique (i.e. it is different from other forms of content). An educational resource is different in terms of its purpose, structure and format when compared, for example, to a newspaper article, or a novel.
Those of you with experience in distance education will be familiar with the educational elements that are embeded in our teaching materials, for example learning objectives and in-text activities etc.
Working through our WE tutorials you would have noticed the special layout we use for learning objectives, discussion activities, teaching tips.
In our wiki jargon, we call these pedagogical wiki templates.
Today you will learn how to set up these pedagogical templates in your pages.
1) Work through Tutorial 9 on Creating and Using Pedagogical Templates:
2) Insert at least one pedagogical template on your user page, this will be required later for your certification as a Wikibuddy under the WikiMaster programme on WikiEducator WikiMaster .
Here is a comprehensive list of all the Pedagogical Templates:
You can download a cheatsheet for Pedagogical Templates here:
Our workshop page you will find here:
We encourage you to keep asking questions on the feedback page or on you user page.
Remember, every question is smart!!!
DAY 10
Dear Friends,
You have all become important links in the WikiEducator community.
Thank you for your dedicated efforts. This is the last posting of the workshop with instructions for Day 10.
However, you may continue with a few more activities after the end of the workshop: You can go into advanced activities listed on this page beyond the Day 10.
The last task will focus on creating sub-pages in the wiki (leave out navigation templates and categories for the time being). Please keep asking questions on the feedback page.
We will keep this forum open one more week so you can use it to ask questions before we unsubscribe participants to prepare for the next online session:
Work through the section on creating subpages in Tutorial 10:
No need to work through the other sections, however, creating subpages
is an important skill for content development.
Do remember to add a category to the subpages and new content pages you start.
Please remember that you can make a contribution to the growth of our WE community…you are now part of our family. Don't forget to invite two of your friends to join one of the upcoming workshops.
Send an email to two friends or colleagues telling them about your experience in WE and send a personal invitation for them to join an online training session. Remember to include a link to:
1) The L4C home page:
2) The registration page:
3) For those of you who haven't sent the learning contract yet, we would appreciate receiving it.
It has been great fun working with you. We hope we were able to answer most of your questions. A lot of it is practice now.
Please continue adding to the feedback page and My Reflections heading on your individual pages. Add a template for this section to your page.
Feel free to email either one of us for any help in the future. We will be watching your pages grow with meaningful content.
To further develop your skills you are welcome to join the upcoming workshops.
Remember the WikiNeighbour concept. Help each other, too.