Introduction to entrepreneurship/BMAN111/Assessment/Overview
This micro-course, Orientation to entrepreneurship forms part of the BMAN111 module for students at North-West University. The micro-course is designed for independent online study and interaction with your class participants.
[hide]Working through the online course materials
The course materials will be accessible for the duration of the semester. If you have signed up to receive course instructions via email, we will send instructions each week to help you pace your learning.
The outcomes covered in this micro-course will not be discussed during class sessions. However, you are more than welcome to consult your lecturer if you have any questions or concerns.
You can complete the individual learning pathways at your own pace. We recommend that you allocate approximately 2 hours each week to progress through the individual learning pathways summarised on the syllabus page. As an independent study course, you can work work ahead of schedule if you like. Copies of all instructions sent to learners via email are published on the course website in the event that you fall behind.
Assessment quizzes
You will be provided access to an assessment quiz corresponding to each learning pathway.
You will have two opportunities to complete each assessment quiz, and the highest score will be recorded. Before you can complete the assessment quiz, you need to work through the content of the specific pathway and do the necessary reading where applicable. Your final mark for all the assessments will be calculated to contribute 10% towards your participation mark. Please note that if you have not completed the micro course by 18 May 2020, your mark will not be recorded.
Any additional information with regard to the BMAN 111 Micro Course will be communicated by your lecturer in class, or on eFundi.
Assessment quiz links
- Open the eFundi website in a new tab.
- Log in to eFundi before clicking the link for the quiz below.
- Click on the quiz link below to take the test.
Learning pathway | URL |
Introducing entrepreneurship | Quiz link |
What makes a successful entrepreneur | Quiz link |
Before you start your own business | Quiz link |
Business planning | Quiz link |
Understanding financial statements | Quiz link |
Financing a new start-up | Quiz link |
How do you approach the BMAN111 micro-course
- It is important to register for the BMAN111 micro-course to receive course instructions via-email.
- Work through each learning pathway with insight to complete the quizzes.
- If you are struggling with a particular pathway, section, or specific content/outcome, it is important to immediately consult with your lecturer.
- By completing this Micro Course, you will not only just obtain theoretical knowledge, but you will also develop and master critical 21 st century skills.