Practice Assignments

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This course includes four practice assignments. Three of the practice assignments (1, 3, & 4) scaffold the planning, execution, and reporting of an original nonexperimental (naturalistic observation or archival) research project. Practice Assignment 2 supports the research project by developing analytical skills and a greater familiarity with nonexperimental research designs. The four practice assignments are as follows:

Practice Assignment 1 (Initial research proposal)

Practice Assignment 2 (Nonexperimental research)

Practice Assignment 3 (Full research proposal)

Practice Assignment 4 (Research report)

To gain the maximum benefit from this course, we encourage you to complete, not only the various activities that you encounter in the course, but also the practice assignments, no matter what version of the course you are taking. The practice assignments can help you to see how well you have achieved the learning outcomes for the course. If you are in a group setting, you can use the practice assignments for peer assessment of your learning.

As noted earlier, if you are seeking credit for this course, set up a study schedule that fits your lifestyle and circumstances, and work through the activities and practice assignments.