Introduction to Psychology 1/IPSY102/Start

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Welcome to the second of three micro-courses that jointly make up the Introduction to Psychology 1 course.

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Watch a video

Welcome to IPSY102! Please watch this brief welcome video from Dr. Kristie Dukewich, the Learning Designer for this micro-course:

A free content video streamed from Vimeo
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Kwantlen Polytechnic University.

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Prior Knowledge Quiz

One of the nice things about studying psychology is that, unlike with the study of something like, say, deep sea marine life, you already have years of your own human experience of thinking, choosing, and behaving to reflect on (not to mention all the time you have spent observing others around you live, breathe, think, choose, and behave).

Having said that, given the diversity of experience across learners who might take this course, it will be useful for you to begin by taking the following general psychology knowledge quiz to see just how much your experience has translated into accurate psychological knowledge.

Please mark each of the following statements as either “True” or “False”:

  • Unlike physical traits, mental or behavioral traits cannot be inherited.
  • Neurons don’t change after birth.
  • There are predictable evolutionary reasons why older men date younger women.
  • Spanking is always a form of punishment.
  • Phobias are contagious – we can acquire them from observing others.
  • Perception is based strongly influenced by the context and the expectations they generate.
  • The fovea only the highest concentration of rods and cones in the retina.
  • The brain has a location that specifically processes faces.

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Watch a Video

In addition to helping you to learn more about human behaviour, an education in psychology can also help you with is improving your study skills (for all of your courses).

  1. Read this brief blog post that provides a quick overview of six strategies for effective learning (once again, based on empirical research in psychology).
  2. Next, watch this brief video that provides a series of effective study strategies based on empirical research in psychology: