FIT Website-FIT FAQs

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FIT Website - FIT FAQs

Frequently-Asked Questions

What is FIT?

Get an inside track on your future

Focus on Information Technology (FIT) is a nationally-recognized digital skills literacy program developed by the Information and Communications Technology Council and Canada's ICT employers. An innovative and highly-engaging ICT skills program, FIT is offered in over 150 high schools and communities across Canada and prepares young people for success and high paying employment opportunities in the fast-growing knowledge economy.

FIT provides valuable pathways and 21st century learning experiences for students to develop their leadership, interpersonal, technical and business skills. The program requires two-to-three years to complete as a student completes his/her high school graduation requirements.

Students benefit from a rich interactive experience with their their peers and timely feedback from their teachers to master the FIT competencies and learn about new skills in interactive media; software design and development; business and information analysis; network systems and operations; and business and technical skills for practical, hands-on experience to develop solutions to real-world problems.

The FIT program includes:

  • Applied and project-based learning
  • Collaborative and multidisciplinary perspectives
  • Meaningful opportunities to explore, investigate and receive feedback about the latest technologies in demand in the workplace
  • Rich, personalized learning environments with numerous opportunities for practice, action and feedback
  • An intensive business simulation experience to reinforce learning by working in teams to solve problems, and using the right mix of technology tools and techniques.

FIT Fact! Pilot studies have shown that 90% of FIT graduates pursue education beyond high school, where they can receive advanced standing. College-level technology instructors have also found that FIT graduates typically achieve grades 16–20% higher than other students, and often often act as classroom mentors.

Kickstart ICT learning with young people

Are your students thinking about getting into ICT? Do they want to try out the latest apps, tools and technologies? Or develop great business, technical and leadership skills?

FIT will get your students into the best lane - and give them lots of career options in school, in your community and beyond.

The program is fun, challenging and rewarding - students will be well-prepared for high paying jobs and solid career opportunities down the road. FIT will make you more marketable to 21st century employers from financial services from ICT/software to mining, oil and gas and transportation, military and the public, nonprofit and private sectors.

FIT students will benefit from a variety of teaching styles - where teachers serve as mentors, coaches and facilitators to help you master the FIT competencies through observation, personal reflection, investigation, action and feedback.

When a student graduates, s/he will receive a valuable FIT Certificate for achieving excellence in mastering the industry-validated competencies. His/her hard work will be doubly rewarded - because s/he will also meet the requirements to write industry certification exams. FIT grads may also receive dual credits, advanced standing or other articulation benefits at universities and colleges across Canada. Students are eligible to participate in summertime, youth apprenticeship and co-op placements.

ICTC and the FIT program are grateful to the support provided by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, and national industry partners including Cisco, Google and CIPS (Canada's Association for IT Professionals).

What are the Areas of Concentration?

An ICT specialty = better jobs, more opportunities

The Focus on Information Technology (FIT) program has four (4) areas of concentration to prepare Canadian youth to thrive in the knowledge economy.

These concentrations (or specialties) allow students to focus their ICT skills learning to write industry exams for A+; Java and other programming languages; Adobe; Microsoft; Linux; and Network+ certifications such as Cisco IT Essentials or Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA). And, they will enable them to meet their high school diploma requirements too!

The FIT areas of concentration include:

  • Interactive Media includes web design and development, social and mobile media, interactive games and e-commerce. Blend business, technology and leadership skills to address exciting opportunities in the workplace.
  • Software Design and Development includes solution design, integration, programming and database development. Use your technical competencies to develop applications and systems to solve real-world problems.
  • Business and Information Analysis includes business and information analysis or systems architecture. Use your technical and business skills to analyze and respond to business needs and recommend affordable ICT solutions.
  • Network Systems and Operations includes technical and communications platform maintenance critical to the smooth operations of an organization. Use your skills to implement and maintain mission-critical hardware and software.
  • General Skills includes Business and Technical Skills. Business skills help students learn about the leadership, management style and operations of different organizations. Technical skills help students develop their ICT abilities to perform effectively in the workplace.

Where is the FIT Program Offered?

Canada-wide ICT skills for youth

FIT is wherever you are or want to be. We're across Canada in 150 schools and school districts from coast to coast - in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador. Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Nova Scotia are onboard for 2013. We are exploring opportunities to provide the FIT program in First Nations communities.

Whether you're a student, teacher, parent or new school or school district, we invite you to join our FIT community.

Which FIT Certificates are Available?

Get recognized for 21st century digital skills

Get FIT while completing your high school graduation requirements! It's the smart thing to do!

To receive a FIT Certificate, a student must take a set of specific courses (called a "Pathway") that includes an understanding of ICT terminology and the importance of teamwork and collaboration. This pathway is approved by the school administration before the FIT program starts. While specific pathways may vary by province, Communications, Technology and Business courses typically meet the FIT criteria.

There are five (5) FIT certificates:

  1. The original FIT certificate where the student has met the FIT criteria by passing the courses in the selected area of concentration.
  2. The above certificate with an endorsement (gold seal) showing that the student completed a “work experience” or co-op education course.
  3. The original certificate with an endorsement showing that the student has achieved an industry standard such as A+; Java or other programming languages.
  4. The original certificate with both endorsements.
  5. A unique FIT+ certificate indicating that the student has achieved the criteria and completed the provincial requirements for co-op education and completed and passed two (2) or more industry standards.

How can I Participate?

Be part of the FIT experience

The FIT program benefits from involvement by students, parents, teachers, school administrators and industry partners. Check out the possibilities!

  • Teachers can help students work in teams and on projects like a technology-based business. This hands-on experience supports learning and achievement. Teachers can also connect and share resources and best practices with their peers to develop a motivating and exciting learning experience.
  • Students can benefit from their teachers' knowledge of ICTs and the industry experience embedded in the FIT program. They can learn and practice new skills to prepare for 21st century jobs and organizations. They can interact with their peers and share insights and experiences from their province, communities and culture.
  • Parents can coach, mentor, guide and encourage their children to share what they have learned at school and apply it to real-world challenges. Parents can facilitate the transfer of learning by connecting the dots between their children's in-class learning, and current economic and technology trends and ICT employment opportunities.
  • School Administrators can ensure adoption of the FIT program into their schools; support teachers involved in the program and host face-to-face and online teacher in-service training.
  • Industry Partners can promote their leadership and influence the future of education and 21st Century learning by sponsoring the FIT program. They can support learning activities, special initiatives; and teacher collaboration events. They can also join Industry Partnership Networks to help FIT grow, engage their employees and coordinate speaking and student work experience opportunities such as job shadowing, twinning and mentoring.

What Resources are Available?

Engage with the FIT community

The FIT Community provides 24/7 access to valuable teaching resources and opportunities to share knowledge and expertise with FIT teachers in 150 schools and school districts across Canada. These included: professional development opportunities; ICT lesson plans; and valuable teaching resources; such as presentations, assessments, videos, teaching tips and samples. Our community is accessible to all, because we're interested in diversity and increasing the opportunities for connecting, learning and sharing about the latest news and developments in the FIT program and with ICT employers. Visit: In French / en francais:

In the FIT community, Everyone can earn kudos and community recognition by supporting each other. New FIT teachers can get started quickly and use the best resources to teach the program. Experienced teachers can take FIT to the next level by troubleshooting problems, sharing new teaching strategies; leveraging one's ICT knowledge and expertise; and providing all-important peer support.

FIT Fact! FIT teachers have exclusive access to ICTC's proprietary FIT competencies.

Contact Us

Share your digital skills learning needs

Tell us about your digital skills learning needs and priorities. If you are would like to offer or teach the FIT program at your school or in your school district, please contact FIT's Program Manager at FIT, or call us at (613) 237-8551 EST. We're looking forward to hearing from you.

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FIT Website - Old Content

FIT Student Quotes

It was unique – an open learning environment. You learn the academic side, but it’s more about how you manage your time, assess a project and set goals.

—Ryan Clark, FIT Student

It was really great. FIT gave me a better understanding of what we were learning. I’m building on that now at BCIT.

—Brian Walker, FIT Student

“When FIT came along, we found it was a perfect match. It gave more structure to what we were already doing. The FIT program expanded on and formalized what was already being taught, and gave the whole new package a title.”

—Dennis Joel, BC Educator

Other Content

  • Job shadowing, twinning and other experiential activities are also extremely valuable for teachers and IPN members enjoy sharing their expertise with teachers. Without a firm understanding of the workforce needs of industry, a teacher of technology cannot properly inform their students about future careers in ICT.
  • Arranges the distribution of older technology from their companies to schools that wish to have students disassemble equipment and learn as experimentally as possible. Some schools create refurbishing centres that give students the skills necessary to take older equipment and, after repair, distribute them to local community members that would otherwise not have access to technology in their daily lives.
  • Arrange for company tours so that students can appreciate how technology meets the needs of local business. These tours often conflict with how students have viewed the technology sector. They find vibrant activities where they had expected conditions to be less than exciting. A career in a technology related industry can be exciting, challenging and fun in ways that students cannot imagine without these tours.
  • Offer specific in-service for teachers so that they can stay current and up to date. Often teachers’ business experience is lacking or based on experiences they had long before they entered education. Their concepts can be out of date and the IPN members can play a major part in demonstrating to teachers the changes that have been implemented in the last few years.
  • By offering a student the opportunity to work in industry for several weeks or months, the student gains the vocabulary and work-related skills necessary to become a positive member in a technology field. If a full Coop or work experience is not possible, the IPN members can arrange for job shadowing experiences for students. Shadowing requires that a student follow and assist a permanent employee about their activities for a specific length of time. Although not as valuable as a full Coop position, students still gain valuable information about the technology sector by participating in these activities.

Future FAQs

How does FIT Support Women in IT?

Reports & Resources