Action plan
From WikiEducator
Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. |
To be completed during the Wellington Think Tank .....
Concerns / Issues / Questions
- Will OER generate corporate interest in polishing peer quality education materials?
- Will all users want the same OER?
- To what extent is OER driven by student needs?
- Can WE be more user friendly?
- To what extent can students be included in the generation of OER?
- To what extent will the growth of OER make it challenging for teachers to select OER? {Paradox of Success} - Community is important
- What kind of learning design tools are required to support the design of OER?
{student workload etc}
- What problem is OER is solving for us; leadership, Board, institution, teachers, students?
- Explaining the legal frameworks in which they, the teachers/developers of OER, can operate?
- Develop a common language and advocacy and explanation of CClicensing
- Is there a tipping point in the range of CC permissions/licences?
{add links here}
- Relationship between copyright law and employment contracts
- What role does OER play in generating and/or solving future problems?
- What new problems does OER invite us to create? {one problem it creates is exclusivity vs abundance}
- To what extent does OER get hijacked as a brand?
- Multiplicity of sources solving the same problem {open source movement}
- Communication between developers working on similar problems
- How does OER work more effectively with existing communities?
- How do we satisfy early adopters who want to use OER with low inventory?
- How do you turn consumers into donaters?
- How do we identify the people we want to shoulder tap?
- How do we ensure quality with the early exemplars?
- What is the OER maturation model? {car model}
- How do we know about the gaps? {analysis of search queries, mapping of the curriculum}
- What are the opportunities to redesign the curriculum {not big C Curriculum} through OER?
- How should OER support and promote interoperability/portability?
- Teacher uncertainties re infringement of copyright {sharing existing materials}
- How can OER avoid the public perception or poor quality / being second rate?
- How can OER leverage its visibly iterative to inform pedalogical understanding?
- How can OER and technology support and improve teaching?
- How can OER and technology support and improve learning outcomes?
- How does OER support professional development in creation and use of OER?
- How can OER support and help the mission of CC?
- What are the implementation and/or opportunity costs/benefits of OER?
- What is the relationship and/or role between OER and different modes of delivery? {e-learning/distance learning}
- How does OER champion communities causes and perceptions of whose quality?
- How can teachers be enabled through OER to whatever we decide we want teachers to do?
- How does OER mitigate against the reusable paradox?
What should we do and how will we do it?
- List potential resource sources {in kind/cash}
- AKO Aotearoa
- ENSI {teacher education}
- Negotiate release of all rights reserved material under CC licences, eg eCDF Projects, TKI
- NZ subject associations
- Law faculties at TEIs
- Publishers
- Learning Media
- Promoting OER as a research topic
- Correspondence School materials {explore to be released under free content licenses suggest by the lovely Wayne with the beautiful accent.}
- Corporate Sponsorships {Corporate Citizenship}
- Mobilizing research students in teacher education
- OER donations in lieu of free services
- Cluster and categorize and prioritize the questions, including questions from HeyWire8 1
- Monitor developments and thinking around relicensing and reuse of public sector information
- Monitor developments in the open data space
- Run Open Everything events in NZ
- Run a WE session at DEANZ, April 2010
- Support in identifying OER Ambassadors at NZ institutions
- Ask professional staff organizations to what extent they can potentially support OER
- Conzul, CAUDIT,
- Letter to Gordon - ACODE
- Letter to DEANZ
- Letter to ALTC {Australian Learning and Teaching Council}
- Collaborate with CCLearn and DiscoverEd
- Model, support, training for Adult education community (Playcentres, early childhood education, local government models, world vision)?
- High profile advocacy role
- List of tasks / option to assign, volunteer names, perform by date.
- install - dotproject