Gargi College

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University of Delhi

Gargi College is an institution for higher education in undergraduate and post graduate courses for women. It is named after a renowned female scholar of ancient Vedic times "Gargi" who fought all odds to be educated in contemporary knowledge.

Gargi College is situated in the lush greenaries of south Delhi near by Siri Fort Auditorium at August Kranti Marg. Its a part of South Campus of University of Delhi.

This college has all the modern facilities for education in Science, Commerce, Arts, Physical Education and Education in General. WIth fully Equipped Computer Labs, science labs, psychology labs, sports field and brand new seminal hall, the college is now constructing a multifunctional auditorium.

The College offers regular courses as well as add on professional courses.

GitaWEGargi 2.jpg

GitaWEGargi 1.jpg

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Gargi College Alumni

If you are a WikiEducator, click here to join Gargi College Alumni

See photos clicked by me at Alumni Meet 2008

Gargi Alumni Meet 2008

Photos clicked by me at the Meet. Click on the image to enlarge it.

More photos are at the link here Alumni meet 2010

All alumni are welcome to join WikiEducator, write to me for details about online and face to face workshops on learning to develop Open Educational Resources.