GCTLT/Learning Design

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Road Works.svg Work in progress, expect frequent changes. Help and feedback is welcome. See discussion page. Road Works.svg


  • Analyze - analyze learner characteristics, task to be learned, etc.
  • Design - develop learning objectives, choose an instructional approach
  • Develop - create instructional or training materials
  • Implement - deliver or distribute the instructional materials
  • Evaluate - make sure the materials achieved the desired goals

More information here in Wikipedia.[1]
ADDIE in the workplace. [2]

Analysis and Design Phase


Background and rationale:

  1. What are you doing now?
  2. Who are your learners (learner profile)? - entry requirements, enrolment (stair casing etc.)
  3. learning preferences, styles
  4. access, location, entry skills
  5. What do you want/need to change?
  • What is working?
  • What is not working?
  1. Why do you want/need to change?
  2. How do you get student to engage - currently:
  3. with each other?
    with content?
  4. How do you support learners:
  5. pastoral?
    preparation, pre-entry, orientation?

Costs and efficiencies - where can costs be reduced? Including: teaching time, classroom use, development costs, equipment, technology and software costs.

Aim and Objectives:

What is going to be changed?

Describe the intention and objectives for doing this.


Supporting expert learners - how will you engage them, encourage self-direction?

Learning preferences/styles.

How will you get students work ready?

What can be done to get students to engage? For example: experiential learning activities, learning which has personal relevance - related to their interests and learning preferences.

What needs to be done to meet the organisational strategies?

Organisational strategies -

  • Flexible learning
  • Maori Strategic Framework
  • Sustainability
  • Digital capability- students and staff
  • Teaching and learning - student-centred learning
  • Other - literacy and numeracy

Learning theory:

experiential, mastery, constructivist, problem-based, case-based (real) scenario-based (simulated), social learning, self-paced, reflective, project-base.

Blended learning

Proportion - online, f2f, lectures, tutorials, experiential, information delivery, critical thinking, distance, on-campus, synchronous, asynchronous, video conferencing, mobile learning etc.

Actions for each objective:

Use the four categories: Content, Activities, Communication/Interaction and Assessment.


  • What resources are available, e.g., OER, textbook, online, CD, video etc.
  • Where are the gaps if providing flexible learning?


  • How can experiential learning be introduced?
  • How can literacy and numeracy activities be embedded?
  • Based on textbook, workplace, simulations.


  • Strategies for communicating effectively with students to support and facilitate their learning.
  • Link theory and practical.


  • Link to the activities
  • More integration across the programme, e.g., e-portfolios
Personnel: The people involved in the actioning the objectives.
Resourcing: Time, training, research


Operational strategies which are cost-effective, e.g., reduce travel, use synchronous onlie tools, workloads, working as teams, collaboration, energy and environment, discipline specific strategies.


In the analysis phase - processes such as  Review are used. In the  Design phase - get feedback on proposed activities, resources,  etc from staff and students outside the project.

Development and Implementation plan

This table includes information and prompting questions to guide the development and implementation phases

of learning design. Initial information about evaluation is included. More detailed guidelines will be provided for

planning the evaluation phase.

Project Name

Think of a title.


Summarise the planned approach including background about the course and/or programme.

Aim and Objectives

The overarching intention of the development and how it will be carried out.

Objectives are specific statements about what you plan to do.


What you will end up with once the plan is launched. (For example, open online resources using a variety of audio/visual media.)


What are the diverse needs of the learners and the other stakeholders? (e.g., teachers, managers, industry, professional body and the tertiary sector).

Learning Strategies:

Activities - Under each learning outcome, decide on one main overarching activity - e.g., catching a baby (birth) ,  create a portfolio - add smaller activities under the main one.

  • What is the main activity?
  • What other activities can be added?


  • What are the main source(s) of content?
  • How will they be developed, re-formatted for flexible learning? For example, textbook, articles, lectures, presentations, video etc.
  • What formats and media will be used? (written, audio, visual, video, etc.)
  • What technologies and platforms will be used?


  • How will the learning be facilitated? (Synchronous or asynchronous, - self-directed or self-paced, group, individual.) For example, synchronous (face-to-face, online - web conference, shared documents, telephone, video conference), or asynchronous (self-directed, activities, discussions, feedback, project-work, portfolio etc.).
  • What technologies will be used?


  • How will the activities build and contribute to the assessment?(Formative, summative, informal and formal.)
  • Check that the content, activities, and interactions help learners to develop skills and knowledge in preparation for the assessments. What else is needed to ensure these areas are aligned?
  • Do the assessments help students demonstrate that they meet the learning outcomes?

Milestones and timeline for Objectives:

What are the milestones for each objective?

When will the milestones be achieved?

List the milestones and  associated objectives for each.


What resources will you need – when and why? (This can include personnel, materials, technologies etc..)


  • Use formative evaluation to get feedback on development and when you launch (implement) a pilot of the proposed learning design.
  • Summative evaluation occurs at the end of the implementation.
  • Decide on possible participants for the evaluations you plan to do - lecturers, experts, students, colleagues etc.
  • What methods will you use to gather data? (survey, focus groups, interview etc..)


  • Objectives
  • Topic/theme
  • Activities
  • Resources
  • Assessment

More information about designing eLearning.