Dressing for an interview

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Rapungakore Clothing Store. Image by Briarmelle Quintessa. Second Life build by Aaron Griffiths for the SLENZ project. CC By

This lesson is suitable for a first session following Orientation. Students will have already used the clothing store during Orientation, but this time they use the store with a specific purpose in mind, to select clothing suitable for a job interview. They will then discuss and justify their selections.

  • Identify clothing appropriate for a job interview.
  • Reflect on decisions made and evaluate critically whether these decisions were correct in terms of the criteria presented for selection of interview attire.

Web pages:

  • The job interview - Interview preparation - towards the end of the page (Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development web site)


  • The job interview - Interviewing tips, Communicate you best image... (Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development web site)


  • Job interviewing videos (Education Portal) – How to dress for a job interview video


  • One-minute interview videos (Collegegrad.com - also on YouTube) – Dress for interview success video


  • General job interview skills (1)


  • Clothing store, pose stands, catwalk, drop box and notecards (all in Second Life)
Catwalk. Image by Briarmelle Quintessa. Second Life build by Aaron Griffiths for the SLENZ project. CC By


  • Students need to walk the Stairway of Learning and obtain the note card on Best image
  • Rez the shop and pause to recap quickly – using voice or text chat
  • Remind students of information learned during Orientation:
    • How to click on clothing in the store to bring it into the inventory
    • Finding the folder in the inventory
    • Right-clicking and selecting replace outfit
    • Selecting and wearing hair – following the same procedure as for clothing

Main activity

  • Mention that they will have to select clothing and hair and change outfit within a 5-minute time limit(they make require more depending on lack of previous SL experience)
  • Students can be directed to the group or private changing facilities if they do not want to change in the shop
  • At the end of the time ask students to step back to the entrance
  • Using the consol remove the store and pose stands and rez the catwalk
  • Invite students to take a seat
  • Have students walk the catwalk one-by-one and explain why they chose their outfit
  • Allow class members to challenge decisions providing they have a reason
  • Facilitate the discussion to ensure it is kept positive


  • Any of the resource videos could be used at the end of this class to reinforce the learning that has occurred – the catwalk can be removed and the media screen rezzed
  • Have students write up a paragraph about their selection and experience
  • The paragraph is to be written on a note card and popped into the drop box in Second Life