Challenge quest

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Students and lecturers dancing on Koru. Image by Briarmelle Quintessa. CC By

This is a second Orientation session to introduce students to basic skills.

  • To teach students the skills of movement and navigation, how to create and enter information into a note card, and how to find information in the SL environment
  • To provide students with the opportunity to practise new skills with teacher and peer support

File:Challenge Quest Questions.pdf
File:Challenge Quest.pdf
Web pages:

  • Using Second Life - a guide for learners - Orientation package (Wiki Educator)

  • Quick Start Guide - a pdf to print out (Second Life)

Jokaydia's Newbie Garden. Image by Briarmelle Quintessa. CC By


  • Second Life Video Tutorials(Second Life Wiki) – titles on every topic imaginable

  • Torley's Channel(YouTube) – Torley creativity! Video tutorials, piano play, Second Life!
The following SLurls are to useful inworld Orientation material: - SLENZ How To Get Going noticeboards - Helping area for new users - Innovative Learning - Island of Jokaydia Newbie Garden - Garden of Conversations (communication skills) - Torley Linden's island with all video tutorials inworld

  • The activities in this session are based on a Challenge Quest
  • Some students will work through the questions rapidly and will reach the end, while others may not get past question 10 (Personal note: I reward all students who completed 10 questions with L$50)

Main activity

  • Give each student the Challenge Quest - the document attached can be copied and pasted onto a note card
  • Students will need guidance as questions are attempted, eg:
    • The Map must be used to answer the first question
    • Students can be shown how to Disable Camera Constraints and view the Hyperdome from above to answer question 2 (Show the Advanced tab on the toolbar - click on Ctrl + Alt + D - then select Disable Camera Constraints)
    • Students will need to right click on objects and select Edit to discover the names of Creators - questions 10, 12 & 13
  • Students' names must be loaded into the drop box before it can be used - students need to click on the drop box to activate it, then drag their note cards from their inventories to the drop box


  • Answers to the Challenge Quest have been provided above - these can be checked on the student note cards
  • Discuss activities and reflections from students at the end of class time