Principles of assessment

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Twelve principles of assessment

Hopefully by now, all the previous information about assessment is beginning to make sense. Please explore this very good resource: The fundamentals of effective assessment: Twelve principles. These principles were identified by the Australian Universities Teaching Committee (AUTC). You can download a pdf version of the resource, which lists the twelve principles on the first page as well as providing explanations of each principle on the pages that follow.

Assessment of learning and assessment for learning
  • Jot down what you understand about the differences associated with these two terms.

Now watch this short video (6.20min) Assessment for Learning and summarise what assessment for learning means to you in your teaching/learning context.

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Develop a checklist for your assessments by formulating a question for each of the AUTC's twelve principles of assessment. For example, taking principle 9, "The best starting point for countering plagiarism is in the design of the assessment tasks", a question for your checklist could read "Is the assessment task designed in a manner that counters plagiarism?" The response to the question would be 'Yes" or "No". Also, include a note in a separate column to indicate why.

After developing your checklist, evaluate one of your assessments using the checklist you have developed. Are there any "No" responses? If so, what changes would you make to your assessments to improve the situation?