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e-Activity 6

1. Try using the informal method you planned earlier to gather student feedback during a class session.

Describe what you did and reflect using these questions.
  • How did you feel about the students' responses?
  • What was done well, and what could be improved?
  • What did you learn as a teacher?
  • How well do you believe the students understood the topics covered in the session?
  • What did they say about the learning environment?
  • How satisfactorily are they engaging?
  • How would you like to change your teaching as a result?
  • What are your goals for changing your teaching approach?

Note: Engagement is demonstrated by confidence in own ability, motivation, participation, independent learning, positive learning relationships with peers and teachers, responding to challenges, active learning (Zepke, Leach & Butler, 2010).

2. What else could you do to ascertain how students are learning?

  • Describe at least one method you could use.

3. Post your responses to this e-Activity to your portfolio and share on the Moodle forum.


Zepke, N. Leach, L. & Butler, P. (2010). Student Engagement: What is it and what influences it? Wellington: Teaching & Learning Research Initiative. Retrieved from http://www.tlri.org.nz/sites/default/files/projects/9261-Introduction.pdf.