Exploring Tourism/Activities/Milford Sound
Understand the role of participants in the supply of the tourism product and their inter-relationships
Research and analyse information on Milford Sound
Write a section (900-1000 words) which will go into your report on Milford Sound in terms of its attractions, amenities, accessibility, pricing and service.
You must include an explanation of the inter-relationships (One industry Concept) between the attractions, amenities, accessibility and service and how these affect Milford Sound's success as a destination.
Discuss what influence other tourism industry organisations from the public(two)and private(two) sector have on the development and presentation of Milford Sound as a tourism destination.
All work must be correctly referenced, draft due Wednesday 6th April in review class.
Your report must be correctly formatted. You can also refer to the links in the supporting resources below. Line spacing; 1.5
Font; Arial
Font size; 12