Exploring Tourism/Activities/Marketing Auckland

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Photo courtesy of Brian Treanor


Learning Objective (4) - The role of destination marketing


Marketing for Dunedin


1. Identify and list the 4P's of marketing; product, price, place and promotion for Auckland (put into a matrix) now add the extra 3P's - Process, People Physical Evidence and provide examples under each heading.

2. Positioning - how the product/destination fits into the market, what its image is, branding, and who is likely to buy or experience it (key target markets). Is Auckland a "market leader, challenger, or follower? - explain. What does it have the potential to be? Carry out a SWOT for the destination. What other regional competition does Auckland have to compete with? What about geographic regions?

3. Promotion - report on how Tourism Auckland markets Auckland - provide examples of at least two recent promotions (what they were, what types of promotion were used, how successful were they?). Compare and contrast Tourism Auckland's website with one other RTO's (include link) in New Zealand providing evidence of what has worked well and why.

  • (word count 1000 approx)

All work must be correctly referenced and emailed to your lecturer by Friday, June 13 at 3pm

Supporting Resources