From WikiEducator
For this course you can obtain an A, B or C grade. Check out the Grading system used in the course.
All parts of the project must be completed and meet the assessment criteria for a pass. There are four parts to the assessment - each worth 25% of the final grade.
- Note: marks for parts three and four are combined.
- Maintain a progress weblog;
- Negotiate an evaluation plan;
- Collect and analyse data and post findings to weblog;
- Prepare a report about the evaluation.
[hide]Maintain a progress blog
- Identify and rationalise two eLearning guidelines which can be used to measure quality in your context.
- Investigate evaluation theory and processes in your context.
- Demonstrate evidence of reflective learning about the process of evaluation.
- Due date 10 December 2010 - for posting a summary of the topics you have posted about on your blog (Hint: include links back to previous posts).
Marking criteria
This part of the assessment is worth 25% of the total mark allocation for this course.
Topic | Mark |
Demonstrates an understanding of evaluation (theoretical and practical) in their context and the wider educational sector. | 5 |
Produces evidence of their learning and reflections about evaluation - including eLearning guidelines and quality. | 5 |
Reports and reflects on the progress of the evaluation project. | 5 |
Discusses and critiques the findings of their evaluation project. | 5 |
Critiques at least two other evaluation projects of participants in the course. | 5 |
Negotiate an evaluation plan
- Use the template provided - background and rationale, aim, evaluation questions, methodology - design and sampling tools.
- Negotiate plan with the lecturer.
- Due date - 4 October 2010 - for publishing finished plan on the wiki project page with a link to it posted on your blogs.
- Due date - 4 October 2010 - for publishing finished plan on the wiki project page with a link to it posted on your blogs.
Marking criteria
This is worth 25% of the total mark allocation for this course.
Topics | Marks |
Background and rationale - includes the context, an explanation of why the evaluation is being done and the need for it. | 5 |
Aim - the purpose and what is intended in one or two sentences, objectives and the "big picture" questions and decisions (important to inform stakeholders) are clear and relevant. | 5 |
Methodology - design of the evaluation is comprehensive, situated in context, and linked to evaluation theory and methods, eg, formative, summative etc.,data to be collected and how it will be done (sampling tools included), outline of intended analysis. | 5 |
References - list provided, referencing in the body of the plan. | 2 |
Plan is negotiated in a timely and appropriate manner and feedback is actioned. | 5 |
Constructive feedback is given to at least two other participants on their blogs. | 3 |
Collect and analyse data
- Collect and analyse data and post findings to weblog - marks for this are incorporated in the grading of the Evaluation report.
- Be sure to report on this process on your blog as well.
Prepare a report
- Use the template provided - Executive summary, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and recommendations, References, Appendices.
- The introduction, methodology and sampling tools can be taken from the plan.
- Make sure you write in third person and past tense.
- Due date 10 December 2010 - submit the report by providing a link on your blog to the document.
- Use a web-based platform for your document and ensure identifying information is removed.
- If you need to restrict access to the class, choose an appropriate platform - see below for suggestions.
- Web-based platforms you can use: Google documents (publish as web page), Scribd, or Dropbox (use public feature - or you can restrict access by only including members of the class).
Marking criteria
This is worth 50% of the total mark allocation for this course. Marks for conducting the evaluation, and analysing the data are included in the report.
Item | Marks |
Title page, table of contents, list of tables and/or graphs is provided. | 2 |
Executive summary is provided - one page overview of the key items in the report. | 5 |
Introduction - Includes background and rationale, purpose and evaluation questions, decisions – taken from the evaluation plan – write in past tense and third person. Include a description about what will be covered in the report. | 5 |
Methodology - Includes evaluation design, i.e., type of evaluation - formative, summative, etc, sampling tools, e.g., questionnaire etc., participants. This information can be taken from the evaluation plan – use past tense and third person. Additional information to be included is how the data was analysed and interpreted for the Results. | 5 |
Results - Data is analysed using appropriate methods. Tables and/or graphs are used to illustrate findings. Description of the results is clear and in-depth, and relates to tables and/or graphs. A summary of main findings is included. | 10 |
Blog post - A summary of the process of conducting the evaluation, and an overview of the findings from analysis of the data obtained is posted on the blog. A link to the full report is included. | 5 |
Discussion - main findings and unusual findings are discussed in relation to the evaluation questions and the methods used. Results are discussed in terms of the decisions to be made, and the expectations of the evaluation. References to other studies are included – how the study was similar or different, or provided new information in the field of evaluation. Unexpected findings, what worked and what did not, limitations to the study and ideas for further investigation are included. | 10 |
Conclusions and recommendations - A summary of the evaluation – key points about the evaluation, and a list of recommendations. | |
References - list provided and referencing of statements made in the report. | 3 |
Appendices - example of sampling tool eg questionnaire etc, and data not presented in results section etc. | 5 |