Today is: December 21, 2024
EFL/ESL Level I Course
Date: For credit-seeking English language learners, the next starting date will be in January, 2010.
Course Description:
Email: Interested English language learners should send an email to ____.
Technologies: Wikieducator, Skype, Ning
Facilitors: TBA
English language learners will understand that personal identity relates to personal relationships and interactions that are culturally bound.
- Performance tasks
- Problem-based learning
- Academic prompts
- Quizzes and tests
- Observations and informal feedback
- VoiceThreads
- Moodle/public Blogs
- Moodle/public wikis
- Moodle/public forums
- Skype
- Each week, ELLs will...
- (for credit-seeking ELLs), have a 30-minute conversation with their respective facilitator via Skype.
- (for credit-seeking ELLs): respond to one discussion question (based on a combination of audio and written text) and will respond to one other ELL's response to the same discussion question.
- (for credit-seeking ELLs): submit writing/speaking assignments to be graded by the facilitator.
- have the opportunity to participate in the voicethreads as well as making appropriate connections with others via Skype, Mixxer, etc. on generative topics of interest.
- Group Projects
- ELLs are expected to work as necessary in completing two group projects to be published online, reflecting on the product itself, the process, and the purpose of the project.
Week 1
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Note to English language learners: Watch this video to assist you through the essential questions for each week. Listen to it as many times as you need to in order to understand the speaker.
Note to language educators: Click here if you are interested in contributing to this project.
- Essential questions:
- What makes a true friend?
- How does one's job reflect one's personality?
Week 2
- Essential questions:
- How does college life differ between cultures?
- What causes people to be late for important appointments?
Week 3
- Essential questions:
- What's it take to be a good partner?
- What does it mean to be a citizen of a particular country?
Week 4
- Essential questions:
- What roles do people play in society (i.e., professional, social, familial, etc.) and what possible effects do they have on one's personality?
- How do you identify yourself as part of your family or circle of friends (compare and contrast yourself with other members of your family)?
Week 5
- Essential questions:
- What makes a true friend?
- How does one's job reflect one's personality?
Week 6
- Essential questions:
- How do you plan your day in a way that allows you to meet all of your commitments (i.e., school, family, work, etc.)?
- How do you feel about living and/or going to school in Aguascalientes?
- How do perspectives (i.e., beliefs, attitudes, opinions, etc.) differ between people who have lived their entire life in Aguascalientes and people who have moved to Aguascalientes from another location?
Week 7
- Essential questions:
- How makes home (i.e., the physical environment where you live) home (i.e., a place you feel comfortable)?
- How do people feel when they spend time away from home?
Week 8
- Essential questions:
- What's the most effective way to design and deliver a resume?
- What makes a good interview both from the perspective of the interviewer and the interviewee?
Week 9
- Essential questions:
- How are foods combined in your own diet?
- How do foods and food combinations differ among cultures and geographical locations?
Week 10
- Essential questions:
- What does it mean to have a "love-hate" relationship with someone?
- How does one decide on where to live?
- What is healthy living?
- When is it all right to deviate from a recipe?
Week 11
- Essential question:
- How does one's job define a person?
- How makes for the ideal job?
Week 12
- Essential questions:
- What water sportsare representative of popular vacation spots around the world?
- What does into planning for a vacation trip?
Week 13
- Essential questions:
- How is music a part of your life and what effects does it have on your moods, feelings, attitudes, etc.?
- When do you know that you need some time just for yourself? What do you do about it?
Week 14
- Essential questions:
- How do prior events - both good and bad - influence a person's life?
- Have you ever experienced a bad event that later actually caused something positive to happen in your life?
- How can a single event be perceived as being positive for one person while negative for someone else? How do these two people feel and what actions did they take?
Week 15
- Essential questions:
- How can a person say one thing but mean another? When is this type of communication appropriate?
- What are some differences between interview strategies among cultures?
- Whe are there times when being along is beneficial?
- How do you express your feelings with your friends and family?
Week 16
Level I course review!