Distancelanguagelearning/English Web/writing/Academic Writing/class/Announcements

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Welcome to our class page! This is an open course (OCW) for any English language learner interested in improving academic writing skills. Why not introduce yourself by signing the guest book below!

Course Description: Cultivating understandings by improving academic writing skills among English language learners (i.e., pre-service English language educators)

Program: Credit-seeking students pursuing a Bachelor's degree in English language teaching at the UAA

Date: August - December, 2011

Technologies Used: A variety of technologies will be used for this course. Some technologies may include the following: blogs, NetVibe, live, online sessions, Moodle forums, among others.

Facilitators: --Bnleez 13:51, 12 August 2011 (UTC)

Prerequisites: An understanding of Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis