Dio Horizon 2009/Assessment

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Basic Rules

This is a group collaborative project - so you would expect every member of the group to score the same grade. The exception to this would be if there is clear evidence that individuals have either done superb work that is acknowledged by the team (or by teachers), in which case that individual will qualify for an "endorsement" on their project report. Equally, an individual not contributing a fair share of the work can receive a lower grade than other team members - same qualification as above.

There are five components to the project

  • A web site detailing all of the findings of your team, laid out in a way which you believe delivers all of the information and messages required. [30 points]
This web site will highlight in particular the aspects of the emerging technologies you are considering. It will contain information on what these technolgies are, how they work in general (and have some examples - which you really should make yourself, not just copy from the Horizon Reports (though you can use their examples as well as your own)), and how you think they might work in some of the subjects that you are recommending that the school teaches. You will likely have to discuss some aspects of this with the various teachers that are involved in the project - but don't be afraid to talk to other ones too!
The web site should include all the links to the various designs that you are proposing, and also to the online presentations that you will be using for your final presentation on the last day. By this I mean if your are using Google Presentations as a slideshow for your presentation, then the presentation needs to be "embedded" somewhere on your web site. Similarly, your Sketchup designs and flythroughs/arounds need to be streamed onto the web site.
  • A scale model of your design for the school. This is an actual model of your design. [20 points]
Linked to section 3 - a scale model helps people get an overview of the actual layout of the entire project site. How do you get things to scale? Do you add colour? trees? the surrounding area ...
  • A Google Sketchup model of your school, bonus if overlaid into Google Earth. [20 points]
Many of you learned some basic Sketchup skills last year. This asks you to build on those skills by drawing things to scale. Your design can be the entire school on one drawing, or you may want to break the overall drawings up into components. Judges will be looking to the use of layers and other more complex Sketchup skills, plus the detail included (eg placing to get the sun, using shadows, well thought out flythroughs/arounds)
  • A formal presentation (to which your parents will be invited) of your overall proposal. [20 points]
Your team will make a formal presentation for up to an entire period to showcase your learning and your project. Your presentation needs to use web-based tools (hosted tools) and not the likes of Microsoft Powerpoint or other "disk based" tools. So, you can use Google Docs or other tools to create your presentations, your Sketchup Flythroughs should be exported as a .avi file and then uploaded and hosted on Fliggo (you'll need an account to upload - see Mr McCrae for this). This will allow you to embed them in any web site or presentation that you do.
Your presentation will showcase your school design and how the emerging technologies will work in subjects that your school is going to offer. This will require you to define clearly for the audience (which will include parents, teachers and invited guests) just what the technologies are and how they work. This in turn means you need to "build" some examples of how they work - and you might need to do this in conjunction with your subject teachers - so make the most of them when they are in your classrooms. The 20 points allocated to this section are largely for your presentation skills - how you present, the technology you use (ie how well do your slides work, any use of other technologies you have made).
  • A reflective journal documenting your progress through the project.[10 points]
This will be done either on your page of the project wiki, or on an appropriate page of your own web site. You should provide 2 reflections per week, one to cover Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; the second to cover Thursday and Friday. Each person needs to do this - it is an individual section of the project. It will be graded according to how meaningful your reflection is to the overall project and your part in it. It should contain your thoughst about what you have learned, what is going well (and why) and what still needs work on. You should also include comments about what you still need to learn to let you complete your tasks.