Department of Zoology at ANDC/Zoology Museum/Permanent slides/Platyhelminthes

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Permanent slide of Platyhelminthes

Date & Time : 18, July 2024 06:38


Platy schistostoma.jpg
  • Common name : liver fluke
  • Habit and Habitat : lives in hepatic portal system and mesenteric vessesls of man.
  • Body form and colour : slender and pink
  • Sexual dimorphism : present, female is longer than male and lives permanently in gynecophoric canals.
  • Gynecophoric canals : formed by folding of ventral body wall.
  • Suckers : oral and ventral suckers present in both male and female.
  • Digestive system : Simple,has oesophagus and intestine(forked).
  • Reproductive system : Male has testes(4-5),vasadeferens and seminal vesicle. Female has ovary(elongated),oviduct and uterus.
  • Intermediate host : Snails
  • Disease caused : Schistosomiasis