Department of Zoology at ANDC/Zoology Museum/Permanent slides/Cnidaria

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Permanent slide of Cnidaria : Hydra

Date & Time : 18, July 2024 06:34

L.S. of Hydra with bud

Hydra with bud coelentrata.jpg
  • Body wall : Diploblastic,lined with cuticle.
  • Division of body wall : outer ectoderm or epidermis,inner endoderm with gelatinous mesoglea in between.
  • Ectoderm : composed of a no. of cells(interstial cells,nematoblasts,sensory cells,nerve cells etc.)
  • Endoderm : forms internal lining of coelenteron,also formed of a no. of cells.
  • Coelenteron : Spacious central cavity within body.
  • Buds and gonads are seen on lateral side of body.