Department of Zoology at ANDC/Zoology Museum/Museum specimens/Porifera/Sycon

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Date & Time : 18, July 2024 08:19



Phylum - Porifera

Class - Calcarea

Order - Heterocoela

Genus - Sycon or Scypha


These are found in abundance near North Atlantic shores.


It is solitary or colonial marine sponge found attached to the rocks in shallow waters.

Identifying Features

  • It has a vase-shaped cylindrical body measuring about 20-30 mm in length.
  • Each cylinder opens to the exterior by an osculum.
  • Body surface contains numerous pores called ostia or incurrent pores.
  • Osculum is encircled by a fringe of monoaxon spicules.

General Characters

Labelled diagram of Sycon.jpg
  • Body wall consists of outer dermal epithelium, called pinacoderm and inner flagellated epithelium, called choanoderm.
  • Skeleton comprises of calcareous spicules of monaxon, triaxon and tetraxon type.
  • Choanocytes (flagellated cells) are present in only radial canals.
  • Water enters the body via ostia and enters the incurrent canals from where it passes into radial canals through prosopyles.
  • From radial canals, water enters the excurrent canal through apopyles.
  • Water reaches to spongocoel through the gastral ostia and passes out by osculum.
  • Reproduction takes place by both asexual (budding and regeneration) and sexual (by ova and sperms).