Date & Time : 22, December 2024 17:40
General Characteristics of Aves
- no skin glands except uropigial glands.
- fore limbs are modified into wings.
- hind limbs are adapted tfor walking.
- lower jaw contain 5 or 6 bones.
- double headed vertebral ribs.
- The ankle joint is inter tarsal.
- lungs are non ditensible.
- Syrinx produce the voice.
Classification of Aves
A Few Examples
1. Psittacula
Common name-tota in Hindi and parrot in English..
Distribution- found in India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Burma.
Food-fruits and ripening grains.
- Bill-red in color, short but deeply hooked.
- Collar-in males, it's color is black and rose pink but absent in females.
- Feet-adapted for grasping.
- It can be taught to repeat some words or sentences.
2. Corvus
Common name- House crow in English and kowwa in Hindi.
Distribution-found in India, Pakistan, Ceylon and Burma.
Habit and habitat- omnivorous.
Food- eat anything like dead rat, eggs, locusts, fruits, grainand termites etc.
- Legs- consist of 4 clawed toes in which one is directing backwarad and other three are directing inward.
- They destroy locusts and injurious insects. but they can also destroy ripeningcrops.
- They make nests for their living.
3. Columba
COMMON NAME-Kabutar in Hindi and rock pigeon in English.
DISTRIBUTION-found in India,Pakistan, Ceylon and Burma.
FOOD-cereals,pulses, ground nuts etc.
- Body length- about 34 cm or more.
- Body color-slaty-grey metallic green and purple.
- Wings- two dark bars on wings.
- Tail- a band is present across the end of the tail.
- the bird is so familiar to human.
- The nest is made up of twigs and straw.
4. Coracias
Common name- it is called nilkanth in Hindi and blue jay in English.
Distribution- found in India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon.
Habit and Habitat- like to live in open cultivated country and avoids dense forests.
Food- grassshoppers, beetles, and other insects. it can eat lizards, mice, and frogs sometimes.
- Body - similar to pigeon in size.
- Body color- dark and pale blue portions on wing, the breast is brown,.
- Head - bigin size, consist of heavy, black bill.
- It destroys the injurious pests.
- The nest is made up of straw, feathers and rubbish in hole in the trees.
5. Passer
Common name- gauriya in Hindi and HOUSE SPARROW IN eNGLISH.
Distribution- distributed worldwide except Andmans and Nicobars.
Habit and Habitat- like to live in houses and open areas.
Food-seeds, grains, wheat, and other cereals etc.
- Body length- about 10-12 cm
- Body color- earthy brown and underparts are whitish.
- legs- 4 clawed toes, one is directed backward and other three are directec forwards.
- the male has black area on throat and breast.
- It destroys the large number of insects.
- Nest is made up of straw and rubbish ruffledinto a hole in the wall.
6. Anas
Common name- duck in English and buttakh in Hindi.
Distribution-found in India, Pakistan and Burma.
Habit and Habitat- like to live in fresh water, ponds and pools.
Food- wheat, cereals etc.
- Neck- long and C- shaped.
- Beak- broad and flattened. base of the beak is covered by a soft sensitive membrane.
- Jaws -consist of transverse lamellae on inner surface.
- plumulae consist of uropigial glands which secrete oily secretion.
- They do not construct nests.