DeAnza College/Teaching and learning - Brownbag sessions
From WikiEducator
Brownbag presentations and discussions
These will be informal sessions with various topics related to distance learning and the use of technology, facilitated by DLC staff or other De Anza faculty. Brownbag sessions meet in LCW-26, located in the lower level of Learning Center West.
Please contact April Qian qianapril at deanza dot edu or just drop in to attend brownbag.
Communicating with students with Discussion and other tools
- one to many - announcements, whole class, news
- asynchronous - delays
- synchronous, real time - CCCConfer
- one to one - email, messages, chat, Instant Message
- lists
Moodle forum
- topics
- post, reply, edit, delete
- viewing
- rating
- other settings
Examples of course enhancements using online technology
- syllabus / green sheet, handouts, readings
- student - student
- student - instructor
- student - content
Incorporating Audio/Video Components into your course
- formats
- recording
- storage
- inclusion
- formats
- recording
- storage
- inclusion
Opensource and Free Educational Resources
- designations
- permissions - reuse, rework, remix, redistribute
Open Educational Resources (OER)
- creation, maintenance
- adoption
- major US universities - Connexions (Rice), MIT, Stanford
- peer reviewed - MERLOT
- collaborations - WikiEducator, Wikiversity, Wikibooks